Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2006



The regularly scheduled annual membership meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 7:04 p.m. at St. PaulÕs Methodist Church in Albuquerque, NM.


Proof of Quorum:  18 members were present which enough to form a quorum were.


Secretary John Cudek read the notice of the meeting.


Secretary John Cudek read the Minutes of the 2005 Annual Membership meeting.


Report of Directors:  Ray Leverich talked about his April Washington meeting.  Small systems will be judged individually on affordability. The Sanitary Projects Act was updated and passed.  There are new rules this year on septic tanks and well drilling issues.  After 11 meetings, regionalization has been tried but no great amount of interest was generated.


Tom McWilliams reported on the budget for the year.  Also what we projected for last year and what the actual expense and income were.  Also presented were the balances in all of the banking accounts.


Under old business we discussed problems with the again infrastructure and constant loss of water.  A major concern with trying to keep ahead of losses with marginal snow pack or rainfall so far this year.


Discussion was introduced to change the by-laws to allow the annual meeting location to be changed from Albuquerque and the second Wednesday in May to any location and time as the Board chooses.  Discussions followed.  Hal Sorensen moved to change the by laws to reflect a change in location and time of the annual meeting at the discretion of the Board.  Ray Barron seconded.  Motion carried.


Kevin Chafins reported that it was not legal for members to shut off water to their cabin using the co-op water meter.  Stop and waste valves should be used for that purpose.


Tom reported that we are in accordance with the ÒOpen Meetings ActÓ according to our legal counsel.  Meeting times and locations are posted on the community bulletin board at the restaurant in the Brazos.  We are also in compliance with the Public Records Act.


Also noted were the passing of two members, Barbara Marcum and Beverly Leverich.


Election results were as follows: T J Allard 59 votes, John Hoffman 22 votes, Tom McWilliams 27 votes, Tom Petersen 48 votes and Irv Lindemuth 25 votes.


Other business long term:  Option to drill commercial well on Mary Ann Robinson property which meets all current regulations distances from pollution sources.  Estimated costs could be in the $100,000.00 range.  Could be funded by government or local assessment.  In 5 years the loan will be paid off on the middle tank project.  One option for funds would be to lease out our excess adjudicated water rights.  More information is needed before any decisions can be made.


Questions and answers were fielded between the Board of Directors and water members.  Among discussions were contingency plan for water shortage/outage this summer, posting information on property owners website, volunteer help with day to day operations and future projects regarding water wells.


Door prizes were awarded.


Tom McWilliams adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted




                                                                                    John Cudek
