Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2005



The regularly scheduled annual membership meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 7:03 p.m. on May 11, 2005 at St. PaulÕs Methodist Church in Albuquerque, NM.


Proof of quorum:  11 members were present which were enough to form a quorum.


Secretary John Cudek read the Notice of Meeting


Secretary John Cudek read the Minutes of the 2004 Annual Membership Meeting.  Kevin Chafins moved to accept the Minutes as read.  Rubel Martinez seconded.  Motion carried.


Report of Directors:  Tom McWilliams reported that the well lots had been reclassified as Òtax freeÓ.  There was a pilot study done by a Colorado company last year to remove uranium from our well water at pump #1.  It was concluded that the test for removal was successful but costs to implement the removal equipment was prohibitive at this time.  Tom reported on the current budget and the Smith Barney accounts.  Tom also reported on the upcoming re-drill of the #3 well.  Sole bid was from Rogers Pump in Albuquerque.  The estimated costs to be in the area of $32,000.00


Ray Leverich reported on regionalization – the GovernmentÕs idea that small water systems in close proximity to each other form a group to help each other out with regards to operating their systems.  Right now it is just an idea that the Government hopes will work.  This will take the burden off the Government who would otherwise have to step in and fix small system problems.  Ray also reported that over the next 20 years the EPA will have increasingly more regulations.  New contaminants in the water will rise from 88 to 96.


Tom also reported that we are now a transient community.  Also we have adjudicated 97 acre feet of water rights.  Tom also reported on a class he attended about excavation law and new enforcement of penalties.  Utilities must be notified prior to digging.


Tom reported that everyone needs to be sensitive to water leaks.


Ballots were counted for new Board Members.  Results were:


                                    Ron Stafford                           42 votes

                                    Mike Valdez                           41 votes

Write in candidates were:

                                    Kevin Chafins                         2 votes

                                    Paul Schultz                            1 vote

                                    David Sainz                             2 votes

                                    Earl Morris                             1 vote

                                    Peaches Hines                         1 vote


Ron Stafford and Mike Valdez were elected to the Board and John Cudek will check with David Sainz to see if he would consider board membership for a 2 year term.  Thanks to Mary Cudek and Barbara McWilliams for counting the ballots.


Ron Stafford reported that several people are full time residents in the Brazos.  He also thought that several people indicated they would be more apt to attend the annual meeting if it was help in the Brazos.  Article V Section 3 of the by-laws state that ÒThe annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held in Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, New Mexico, at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of May of each year at a place to be announced in the notifications of the meeting.Ó After discussions, a motion was made by Mike Valdez that the Board of Directors address amending the by-laws to allow the annual meeting to be held in the Brazos.  Bill Eberhardt seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Twila Donaldson received an award from NM Rural Water Association as Small Systems Office Manager of the Year.


Tom McWilliams thanked Hal Sorensen and Rubel Martinez for their years of service to the Board.


Door prizes were awarded to lucky ticket holders Bob Diefenbaugh, Bill Thorne, Mike Valdez, Kevin Chafins and John Hoffman.


There being no further business Kevin Chafins moved to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.



                                                                                    Respectfully submitted



                                                                                    John Cudek
