January 12, 2008 Meeting Minutes



The meeting of January 12, 2008 was called to order at 11:45 a.m., at the home of David Sainz, Albuquerque, NM


Directors Present:        David Sainz

                                    Rubel Martinez

                                    Mike Valdez

                                    Tom Petersen

                                    Ron Stafford (by speaker phone)


Directors Absent:        Rex Sewell

                                    Irv Lindemuth

                                    TJ Allard

                                    Deej Banister


Tom Petersen read minutes of November 3, 2007.  It was moved to accept the minutes by Mike Valez, seconded by Rubel Martinez, and passed unanimously.


Comment on the minutes:  Larry Moore is no longer associated with the Brazos Fire department and we need to establish a new contact person as per Mike Valdez.


An update of status and action concerning the action items on the November minutes followed:

1.     Attendance by board members.  No input was received from board members to David.  The following items were suggested:

a.     Possible leave of absence for those out of state for the winter.  This could result in a smaller number needed for a quorum.

b.     Require 50% attendance at meeting.

c.     Look into new board members to fill in/replace inactive board members.

d.     David to continue to track this issue.

2.     Refunds:  Rubel has sent 2 checks to Peaches Hines and has or will ask him to ignore them.

3.     Late fees for Barker, Lujan, Hays, and Cliffview Restaurant will be waived.  Rubel.

4.     Lovato late fee of $3.41 will carry over until next year.

5.     Rose and Sanchez.  Rubel will follow up.

6.     We received $100 from Laycock (Mr. or Mrs.?)  We now have an address for Mrs. Laycock.  Rubel will follow up.

7.     The Singer issue is resolved.

8.     On the Coombs issue Deej needs to provide an update on the basis of her dialogs.

9.     It was decided to write off Corkins as a bad debt and not send a letter to them.

Other activities:

Ron is working on the By-Laws, etc., update based on input from Irv.


Irv now has the tools to update the Web site.


Randy Terrazas is doing the plowing, but not the plumbing.  Possible backups for plumbing are:

            Joe Vincent

            Wayne Vigil from Canjelon


Berryman needs to install a stop and waste.  Possible actions are to lock off his meter in the spring if he takes no action.  Ron will make a call.  Levi Sandoval and Mike Valdez will inspect when installed.


There is no franchise tax.  Gretchen pays state gross receipt tax monthly.


David will pickup the used chlorine barrels


TJ and the Brazos fire crew filled in the electrical ditch for the pond aerator.


There was no Christmas Party.  An El Chorro party in late spring is suggested.


Financial Report

The numbers are in detail on RubelŐs printout.


December Checks, 9 each totaled $1451.23, with the largest to Randy T ($546.22) for plowing.  NM state tax $445.75, and $60.90.  We are now clear with the NM for state taxes.  Other small check included misc postage and expenses.


Community Bank Balance       $44,828.05

Smith Barney                          $52,875.71

Smith Barney                          $ 6,943.98


Mike Valdez moved to accept the Financial Report, Tom Petersen seconded, passed unanimously


Loan Status and Payments

Loan #1           $5,297.03 paid in the June/ July time frame

Loan #2           about $15,000 paid in the February time frame

Loan #3           $1685 paid in the July time frame






Proposed Budget

Ron is preparing an actual budget for the operation.  This is important to the Well Grant and should be part of our business plan.

July 06 – June 07

Expenses                     $57,543.57

Income                                    $66,489.34


July 07 – June 08

Expenses                     $72,295           increases for system maintenance

Income                                    $66,489.34


July 08 – June 09

Expenses                     $89,412

Income                                    $66,489.34


Net losses to attend aging system expenses.  There may be a need to increase annual feed by $200 per year per certificate.  Comments are expected by the board members.


There may need to a letter to the membership on this subject.


Property Transfers

There was no update from Deej on this topic.


Herman Candelaria property (Ray LeverageŐs place) is up for sale.


Thurston to Dwight Hoffman is moving forward.  The board needs to fix the valve supplying water to that property in the spring.


Change in Fiscal Year

A motion was made by Tom to change the fiscal year and billing dates.  Seconded by Rubel and passed unanimously.


Fiscal Year Dates

End March 31

Start April 1

With the current fiscal year (FY-2007) ending March 31, 2008


Annual Bills in the mail by April 15

Annual Payments due by June 15


This needs to be changed in Rules/Regulations, Bylaws, etc.


Cash to Accrual Income Basis

This can be done by paying taxes on time (March 31).  Rubel will follow up on this item.


New Well

Ron has an e-mail from Chris Gorbach from the Bureau of Reclamation.  Ron is working on the various contracts and will update.  The contracts involve the driller, hydrologist, and the tie-in to our system.


We need to look at location for the well on our properties.


Location #1                 Near Well #1

Location #2                 Near old tank above Well #3--Most likely the best

Location #3                 Near upper tank and gallery--Most likely the worst


Any more new Locations?  Padilla Property near Mike Valdez has concerns with septic location and the old dump area.


By-laws Update

Ron and Irv have been working on these updates.  Ron will send out drafts in 2-3 week to the BOD.


Other Business

Marlman is square with finding his buried water can.  The remaining water can set up items are on his property and will be recovered in the spring.  He is still responsible for his leaking stop and waste and frost-free valve.


Rubel sent a letter to the IRS on back taxes and hopes for no late fee or penalties.  Rubel will provide a copy of the letter to David and Deej.  No word back yet from IRS.  There may be about $5K in late fees and penalties.


February meeting agenda items

Send out bills

Terms of office update (who is up for renewal / replacement)

Annual Meeting

Vote on Rules/Regulations and By-Laws

Gretchen wishes to send out the bills by herself on April 15

Complete property transfers by April 1 so books are clear for bills.


Proposed Date February 23, place and time to be determined.


Motion to adjourn by Rubel, seconded by Mike and passed unanimously at 1:10 PM


Submitted by Tom Petersen