March 16, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Directors Present: Mike Valdez
Tom Petersen
Rex Sewell
TJ Allard
Rubel Martinez
Irv Lindemuth
Deej Banister
Ron Stafford
Due to extended work assignments, David Sainz, President of BMDWCA, has resigned his position from the Board effective March 5, 2008.
Irv Lindemuth made a motion that Mike Valdez, Vice President, serve in the position as President of the Board until the end of May 2008. Ron Stafford seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
Minutes of the January 12, 2008 meeting were read. Rex Sewell moved to accept the minutes; seconded by TJ Allard. The motion unanimously carried.
TreasurerŐs report:
Bank balances as of February 29:
Community Checking: $42,718.65 + $8.33 interest
8 checks written for: $17,327.78
Balance: $25,399.20
Smith Barney Money Accounts as of 12/31:
$ 6,975.43
Smith Barney Accounts:
Discussion was held re keeping our money in the SB Money Market accounts or placing it into CDs or with other investors. It was determined that it would best benefit our financial needs to keep the money in the SB Money Market accounts—in case we need to withdraw from the accounts for unforeseen expenses. At this time, there is only a small percentage difference in the interest rates for money market accounts and CDs.
Refund of late fees:
The bookkeeper, Gretchen Denman, requested that the Board refund the $50.00 late fees rather than give a credit to next year. She wants to begin the new fiscal year with no carryovers. TJ Allard made a motion to amend the June 30, 2007 minutes to reflect a refund of $50.00 in lieu of a credit. Irv Lindemuth seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
Rubel Martinez will follow-up with account information for Rose, Sanchez, and Laycock at the next scheduled meeting.
Water invoices for the new Fiscal year will be sent out by our bookkeeper on April 15. Payments are due by June 15.
TJ Allard made a motion to accept the TreasurerŐs report; Rex Sewell seconded. It unanimously carried.
Election of Officers:
There is a need of candidates to replace three board members. The following possible candidates were identified:
Ron Stafford 1
Mike Praiswater 2
Lewis Marlman 3
Mike Valdez will contact Mike Praiswater to determine his interest in serving on the Board. Tom Petersen will contact Lewis Marlman. Ron Stafford indicated that he would be happy to run again in order to provide continuity to the board since two key people are terminating.
The board will need to obtain a brief qualification description from each of the candidates who are interested in running for office.
Membership letter/May membership meeting:
A newsletter regarding Board activities for this past year needs to be compiled. This letter should include an overall breakdown of this past yearŐs accomplishments (budget formulation, Rules and Regulations, By-Laws, system performance under Levi Sandoval, Federal Tax issues, new well, web page, etc.), as well as any problems incurred in the operation of the system. Also, we need to indicate in the newsletter that the membership will be voting on acceptance of new By-Laws. Mike Valdez has asked directors for input.
Deej will publish the letter for mailing. Mailing should occur at least 40 days prior to the meeting and no later than 10 days before the meeting.
The ballots for new officers will be mailed with the newsletter. The return ballot envelope will have a seal stamp and a number. Also, a seal is stamped on the ballot. A place to hold the annual meeting was discussed. Mike Valdez will check to see if we can use the Cliff View Restaurant. It will be held Sunday May 25, at 10:00 am.
Rules/Regulations and By-Laws:
A detailed draft of the new Rules and Regulations was reviewed. A final draft will be made available to the Board for approval. The new Rules and Regulations will be distributed to members at the general meeting. They will also be available through our web page. The new Rules/Regs do not need membership approval prior to publication.
An edited copy of the By-Laws was reviewed. Any additions and corrections to the By-Laws will need approval from the membership. These changes will be presented to the membership for their approval at the May general meeting.
Board meeting schedules:
The meetings for this year will be held on the third Sunday of each month at 8:00 a.m. (June 22 is an exception.)
March 16, Staffordshire
April 20, AllardŐs Cabin
May 18, Staffordshire
June 22, ValdezŐs Cabin
July 20, SewellŐs Cabin
August 17, LindemuthŐs Cabin
September 21, PetersenŐs Cabin
October 19, MartinezŐs Cabin
November 16, BanisterŐs Cabin
December 21 ?
VFD contact:
TJ Allard named Bob Diefenbaugh as the contact person for the VFD.
New well:
No new Bureau of Reclamation information was available. A hyhdrogeologist will determine the best location. The drilling of the well will probably not take place until June or July. It is yet to be determined whether the drilling company will be someone local or out-of-state.
Maintenance construction:
Joe Berryman needs to install a stop and waste. Ron Stafford will contact Berryman to see when installation will take place. (Berryman is currently using the water meter valve to turn his water off and on.)
Praiswater, Marlman, and McElroy need stop and waste installations. Mike Valdez will follow-through to determine the installation time frame. Installations might be piggybacked and coordinated with Terrazas Utilities to save installation costs to the owners.
The PRC valve at the intersection of Aspen and Falls Creek Road needs to be repaired. Terrazas Utilities will make the repair in the spring. It was determined that the pressure release valve could be replaced by a turn off valve. (This valve ties in with property recently sold by Lorna Thurston to Dwight Hoffman.)
A brief discussion was held regarding methods that could be used to determine leaks in the system. Installing BMDWCA water meters in key locations along the main water lines might be a possibility for isolating leaks in designated areas within the system. Another, periodically check for leaks by lots. Ron Stafford suggested that this summer Levi Sandoval might be able to determine valve locations with a special detector. Also scanning old-line maps might be helpful. Due to aging of the system, this needs to be determined as soon as possible to have a heads-up for future problems and costs. Irv Lindemuth and Ron Stafford will take on this project this summer.
Deej Banister reported that delinquent fees for property owned by Maxine Foulks are now current. A certificate of membership has been mailed to her children Tom and Sherry Coombs. (The Coombs were approved for membership at the June 30, 2007, Board meeting; however, at the July 14, 2007 meeting it was noted that there were still unpaid fees on Maxine FoulksŐ property so their certificate was withheld until delinquent fees were brought current.)
Membership applications were presented: Henry and Tracy Cole purchased Herman CandelariaŐs property. Robert Lambson received transfer of membership from his mother Maxine Foulks. Need to make a motion to accept their membership!!!!!!!
Dwight Hoffman has purchased property from Lorna Thurston, but has not made application to transfer membership. The membership list shows that Lorna Thurston had an assessment balance. This assessment transfers with the property. Ron Stafford will contact Hoffman regarding his transfer application.
Other Information:
It was determined that Ron Stafford and Levi Sandoval will dispose of the empty ŇblueÓ chemical barrels.
It was noted that Levi SandovalŐs contract amount has changed. The BMDWCA will pay $350.00 + GRT beginning January 1, 2008.
Four board members present at a meeting will constitute a quorum.
A contact list needs to be compiled of directors who are assigned to assist members in turning on and off of water to cabins. Who/Where?????
and Summer Dinner planning was tabled until a later meeting.
A draft of our projected budget proposal was discussed at length. Several changes and additions were made to the draft. Ron Stafford is to make these adjustments and present it to the Board for final discussion at a meeting scheduled for 8:00 a.m., April 6, at Staffordshire. The budget needs to be completed prior to the May meeting. The question was raised as to the payoff date for the membership assessment. Ron Stafford will check loan history with the bookkeeper to help establish the correct date.
There may be a need
to increase annual fees by $200.00 per year per certificate due to net losses
to attend aging system expenses.
This action was tabled until the Board reviews the final budget at the
special budget meeting on April 6, 2008.
Web Page:
Irv asked that we remind people to visit our web page— He suggested that a line item be added to the billing statement asking people to forward their email addresses to the Board. Rubel Martinez will check with our bookkeeper to see if she can include it on the invoices. It could also be added to the newsletter.
Corkins sewage problem:
The notice of a ŇDischarge Permit ApplicationÓ from Tom Melk, Corkins Lodge, was discussed. There is concern regarding contamination of wells in the area. Mike Valdez is to write a letter to Brad Reid, Ground Water Quality Bureau, regarding our issues and concerns.
Rubel motioned that meeting adjourn at 12:35 pm. Rex Sewell seconded, and it unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister