June 30, 2007 Meeting Minutes

The meeting of June 30, 2007 was called to order at 8:15 a.m., at Director Ron StaffordŐs Cabin, Spruce Lane, Brazos.

Directors Present:  David Sainz, Rex Sewell, Irv Lindemuth, Rubel Martinez, Ron Stafford and Deej Banister

Directors Not Present:  TJ Allard, Tom Petersen, Mike Valdez

Also in attendance was Levi Sandoval, Water Systems Operator

Minutes of April 28, 2007 meeting were read. Ron Stafford motioned to accept.  Rubel Marteniz seconded, motion unanimously carried.

TreasurerŐs Report:  1) All current bills have been paid.  2) An invoice from State Environment on Loan #RIP 2000-04 R for $5,898.33 is due July 20, 2007.  It will be submitted for payment in early July.  3) It was noted that the invoice for $850.35 from Los Terrazas Utilities for meter installations reflected only BMDWCA costs for materials and labor.  4) CPA, Nick Loftis, Albuquerque, has been recruited to reconcile and calculate taxes.  Costs for his services should be approximately $500.00 each for the first two years, and then decrease to $200.00 each for years thereafter. 5) Liability Insurance with Acorn Agency for 1M coverage was signed for submission.  Premium is $900.00. 6) Rubel Martinez is to take ŇleadÓ on maximizing investment options with Smith/Barney, Citibank.

Matters regarding property transfers, memberships, and payments were discussed:

1.     It was determined that Corkins Lodge should only be charged $400.00 each for Lots 11 and 14.   The membership was brought current by the previous owner, Bill Greenhaulgh, in 2006 prior to the official sale.  Corkins owes only for 2006 to present.

  1. Due to the recent death of member Catherine Gallegos, Rex Sewell motioned to waive late fee payment on her water bill, Irv Lindemuth seconded, motion unanimously carried.
  2. Delinquent fees for water billings were discussed.  Irv Lindemuth made a motion to extend the due date to July 15, 2007.  Rex Sewell seconded, motion unanimously carried.  It was also determined that anyone sending in late fees with their payments prior to July 15, 2007 will receive a credit of $50.00 on next yearŐs billing.
  3. It was determined that total assessment payoff from all members is 2010.
  4. Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, submitted an overpayment analysis for water payments made by Earl Morris for 2004 and 2005 in the amount of $202.12.  Rubel Martinez made a motion to make the reimbursement if Ck #1187 dated 5/23/2005 showing the over payment can be supplied.  Rubel Matinez is to review bank statements for the check deposit.   Rex Sewell seconded, motion unanimously carried. 
  5. A motion to issue a membership certificate to Tom and Sherrie Coombs was made by Ron Stafford.  Seconded by Irv Lindemuth, motioned carried.  (Maxine Foulks transferred property to daughter Sherrie Coombs.)  Coombs water payment is current.
  6. Total assessment payment for Kim Singer was discussed.  Kim Singer wishes to payoff her assessment and to be removed from membership on Lots 4 and 5.  Kim Singer submitted a payment of $317.43 w tax for payoff.  Rubel Martinez is to check with Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, for correct amount due.
  7. It was determined that as of May 2007 all members have been issued certificates.

A new contract for Levi Sandoval, Water Systems Operator, was discussed.  Irv Lindemuth made a motion to increase his salary from $300.00 a month to $350.00 a month.  Ron Stafford seconded, motioned carried.  Contract was signed and submitted.

Levi gave a brief report on well conditions:  Solar pack is working, 2) both tanks are currently full, 3) he is planning to check all valves this summer, as well as map the system.   A discussion followed regarding the Gallery and water collection.  Levi indicated that he would include an inspection of its concrete box for a leak in this summerŐs inspection schedule.  Note:  Rex Sewell has original pictures of Gallery setup from Catherine Gallegos.  He is to transfer them to a CD for Levi to use for this summerŐs inspection.  Ron Stafford asked that a copy also be made for association files.

Levi also indicated that the Water Control Commission increased the number of certified operators for water systems in several areas for this next year; however, because of our size, we will require only one certified operator.

Ron Stafford asked that Levi submit copies to the Board of all reports made to the State regarding our water system, as well as copies of water level reports to keep in our association files.

New well site location was discussed:  After obtaining legal advise on leasing land to the Board for a water well site, David and Yvonne Sainz have determined that it will not be in their best interest to allow us to use their land for drilling on a lease-type basis due to possible legal ramifications.  They were told it would be best to deed the land to the BOD; at this time they do not want to reduce their land size.  Discussion followed as to what other sites might be available.  It was decided to approach the UBPOA for use of their land at two of their sites, land behind the woodshed or the acreage south of the pond.  TJ Allard, President to UBPOA, is to be consulted. Use of a hydrologist and/or a dowser was discussed for locating water once land is obtained. Ron Stafford indicated that the State could possibly aide in payment of our well drilling—Ron is checking with Ray Leverich, who is attending this yearŐs Rural Water Meeting for details.  This assistance would be available to rural areas only.

Roles and Responsibilities:  Each Board member is to review Roles and Responsibilities for acceptance, additions, or comments.  Rex Sewell was added to Roles and Responsibilities list as Ňresponsible for the lockout of metersÓ.

Rubel Martinez motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Irv Lindemuth seconded, motioned carried.  Meeting ended at 10:45 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Deej Banister
