July 14, 2007 Meeting Minutes

The meeting of July 14, 2007 was called to order at 9:03 a.m., at Director Irv LindemuthÕs Cabin, St. Rd. 512, Brazos.


Directors Present:  David Sainz, Rex Sewell, Irv Lindemuth, Ron Stafford, Mike Valdez, Tom Petersen, and Deej Banister


Directors Not Present:  TJ Allard and Rubel Martinez


Minutes of June 30, 2007 meeting were read. Irv Lindemuth noted that all Òmotion carriedÓ should be changed to Òunanimously carriedÓ to reflect total board agreement.  It was so noted in the June 30, 2007 minutes.   Ron Stafford motioned to accept the reading of the minutes.  Mike Valdez seconded, motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerÕs Report:  Given by David Sainz, President, in absence of Treasurer, Rubel Martinez.

  1) The Earl Morris overpayment has been validated and the refund will be made in the amount of $202.12.  2) Rubel has submitted the liability insurance payment to the Alcorn Agency.  An invoice marked Òpaid in fullÓ should be forth coming.  Deej Banister, Secretary, is to check for follow-through.  3) Rubel is continuing to take the ÒleadÓ on maximizing investment options with Smith/Barney, Citibank (currently yielding 3%) and American Funds Capital.  He is looking into stock options with CIBCX (12% performance).  The BMDWCA has 60K to invest—Rubel is to investigate and give us two or three options, as well as the benefit of two accounts versus one and what the penalties will be if money is withdrawn early, etc.  4) The Community Bank checking account balance as of June 30, 2007 is $53,519.00.  5) Smith Barney is at $59,098.00 ($6,860.00 of this is Revolving.).  6) Accounts Receivable is $53,467.00.  This yearÕs assessment is $13,366.00--$40,133.00 is due by 2010.  7) State and Federal tax information should be in good graces by our next meeting.


Matters regarding property transfers, memberships, and payments were discussed:

1.     Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, has submitted to the BMDWCA two $400.00 invoices for Corkins for assessment payments for Lots 11 and 14.   Deej Banister, secretary, is to draft a letter to send with invoices.


  1. Rex Sewell and Ron Stafford reported that Laycock has been locked out (repairs are still pending); and that Corkins has been locked out (cancellation of membership).


  1. Delinquent fee notifications were discussed. A motion to issue a membership certificate to Tom and Sherrie Coombs was approved at the June 30, 2007 meeting; however, a discrepancy in balances due from the transferee, Maxine Foulks, for partial water billings in 2004 and 2007 have been identified.  Before transferring the certificate, fees must be brought current.  Deej Banister is to draft a letter for David Sainz to sign.


Due to the Coombs issue, assessment/water payment responsibilities were discussed.  Irv Lindemuth made a motion that all delinquent water payments are the responsibility of the property owner prior to transfer or sale of property.  Seconded by Mike Valdez, and unanimously carried.  Tom Petersen is to draft a letter to the membership regarding this issue.


  1. Assessment payment for Kim Singer was discussed.  A total assessment payment for Lots 4 and 5 is still being determined.  Rubel to follow-through on correct amount with the bookkeeper.


  1. Rex Sewell reported on creating a CD of Gallery pictures received from Catherine Gallegos.  The photo album was brought to the meeting for clarification on the need of the proposed CD.  Rex will check in Albuquerque on cost of making a CD.


  1. Delinquent Payments for 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 were received from Michael Gray.  2007 is still pending.  Deej Banister is to write a letter inquiring as to a possible oversight with this payment since Michael had been given a grace period on past years and requested to bring 2007 current. 


  1. Invoices for delinquent payments are coming from Gretchen.  The invoice body has an explanation for payment due date next year.  Deej Banister will draft a cover letter to accompany the invoice.  David needs to approve.  Late fee is charged after July 16, 2007. 


#1 well concerns were discussed:

Has the system been jeopardized by the well casing maintenance of last year?   Has well gone dry? The well is giving less water now than it was before the maintenance.  Ron is to work with Levi.  The video from Rogers Drilling regarding the maintenance is to be made available for Levi to review. 


New well loan application was discussed:

Gretchen Denman completed financial portions of the loan application.  Ron Stafford is to discuss the loan application and establish a line of credit, if possible, with the N. M. Construction Bureau.  The loan can be cancelled if it is not needed.


Discussion followed regarding state funding.  Ray Leverich indicated to Ron that we had been moved to a higher level on the availability list.  It was determined that Ray Leverich is this DistrictÕs State Rural Water Representative.  However, Ron Stafford is to contact the Rural Water manager to validate our participation and our legal standing this next week.


New well site location was discussed:

New well site locations were discussed.  The deer shed appears to be too close to the old dump site, and the lot south of the pond appears too close to septic tanks.  (Commercial wells need to be 200 feet from septic tanks and dumps need to be closed for 30 years.)  Ron Stafford has contacted the McElroy family to see if their land could be used.  Children will make a decision. They are concerned about the pump house being intrusive to the property.


Office space and storage area was discussed: 

TJ Allard, UBHOA, is to report to us regarding the use of the deer shed for an office and/or storage of well supplies/spare parts.


Roles and Responsibilities and Bylaws were reviewed:

  1. Under the Bylaws, Mike Valdez made the motion that item #7 under Treasurer be moved to Secretary—ÒKeep proper membership certificate records, showing name, date of issuance, surrender, transfer, termination, cancellation, or forfeiture.Ó Ron Stafford seconded; motion unanimously carried.


  1. Under Roles and Responsibilities, Ron Stafford will establish an action register for State and Federal requirements.


Water cans and stop and waste valves were discussed:

Water is standing in the following locations:  Petersen, Praiswater, Marlsman and Sewell.  It was felt that this is normal run-off, but will continue checking to see if it clears up.


Peterson motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Irv Lindemuth seconded, motioned unanimously carried.  Meeting ended at 10:49 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Deej Banister
