July 18, 2009 Meeting Minutes



Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at Rex SewellÕs cabin.


Directors Present:       Irv Lindemuth

                                                      Tom Petersen

                                                      Ron Stafford

                                                      Deej Banister

                                                      Rex Sewell

                                                      Charlie Lawrence

                                                      Rubel Martinez


Minutes of the June 21, 2009 meeting were not available:  The secretaryÕs computer failed.  They will be presented at the next meting.


TreasurerÕs report:

The Community Bank balance as of June 30, 2009 is $109,736.42.


The $5,000.00 loan payment has been made (annual).


Nick Loftus, CPA, was given tax information for filing last week.


Information for BMDWCA audit is on standby.  Still waiting for input from State.


Liability insurance was renewed through Alcorn Insurance Agency for one year, $900.00.


Delinquencies and Actions:

1.       Moya account is two (2) years delinquent.  Ron Stafford made a motion to send a certified letter to Mrs. Moya indicating that the bill for 2008 should be paid in full within 30 days of the date of the letter or the user-membership for Lot 20, Block 2, Unit 1, Brazos Lodge Estates will be revoked.  Irv Lindemuth seconded the motion if doing such is concurrent with the present R/R and Bylaws of the Association.  The motion unanimously carried.  The Board feels the most strenuous rule should apply at this time.  Irv Lindemuth will review RR and Bylaws for appropriate action.

2.       Robinson is still locked out.  Repairs have yet to be made.

3.       Baker repairs have not yet been made.

4.       Rubel Martinez, Treasurer, received a telephone call and email from Tom Casias regarding his water bill and membership.  He indicated that Casias felt he had been erroneously charged a $50.00 late fee that had previously been waived by Mike Valdez.  Rubel is to send an email to Casias indicating that the Board will review accounting records and minutes from last year to see if any action was taken and will review his current request at the next Board meeting.  The Board feels that clarification needs to be made since waving of a late fee takes Board action—a director could not have made such a decision on his own.

5.       Delinquent accounts for 2009 will be discussed and action taken at the next meeting.

Other Issues:

Tom Petersen acknowledged appreciation of the Board for the services of Irv, Ron, and Deej—their attentiveness to things that make a difference!!


Levi Sandoval needs to present contract for signature for 2009-2010.  The Board continues to recognize the excellent job Levi has done for the community in maintaining the water system.  His expertise is so much appreciated by all!!!


The Board approved Deej Banister, Secretary, to purchase a hard drive to store the AssociationÕs computer documentation.


The UBPOA asked Tom Petersen to poll the Board for approval to move their annual picnic from July 4 to Labor Day.  The Board has no objection.



Twelve hours of training will be required for all Association Board members.  This is mandatory in order to serve on the Board.  The first six (6) hours will be scheduled for half to three-quarter days.  It will be offered at several times during the year in different locations so as to accommodate all Board members.  Completion of the training will be next year.  The training will cover legalities and responsibilities in running a coop, such as drilling of wells, bookkeeping, environmental procedures, Open Records Act, new laws, environmental taxes, etc.  There is no cost.  The Rural Water Association pays for the training.  The trainer is Sue Sleeper from the Rural Water Association.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Ron Stafford presented new well permit issue.  As soon as the well is completed, we need to change our experimental well permit to a well permit.  The cost will be $125.00-$175.00.


Discussion was held regarding leak detection.  The Board feels that detection should continue on a yearly basis in order to enhance the reliability of our system.  Irv Lindemuth will contact the organization we used last year and setup a schedule to check the system this year.  Levi Sandoval and his assistant, Bidel Candelaria, will oversee the project.  The cost is minimal considering the benefits—it enhances the reliability of our system.


Easement Regulations:  The use of property easements for installation of water line/can was discussed.  Ron Stafford will check with the County, Silviano Atencio, for the actual footage required for easements from a property line.


Pump Houses:  The plumbing needs to be replaced in both pump houses.  Due to the overload that Terrazzas Utilities is experiencing, Levi Sandoval is in the process of contacting licensed plumbing companies within the area, Espanola and Chama, for bids.  He is looking for companies with backhoe capabilities, etc.  We will do Well #1 and Well #3 at the same time.  The exterior of both well houses need cleanup and staining.  Rex Sewell has volunteered to do the staining.


Also, the PRV needs to be replaced at the junction of Aspen and Falls Creek Road.  This repair will be coordinated with the pump house repairs and installations.


Old-line Removal:  Ron Stafford will speak with Levi Sandoval regarding contacting a company to remove inactive lines.  We could possibly remove a few each year.  Paul Harper has drawings of infrastructure.  These could possibly be reviewed to see if a central turn-off valve can be located.  Ron Stafford will assist Levi Sandoval in researching this project.


Gallery Status:

Levi Sandoval has removed the rocks from the top area of the Gallery and the area has been reinforced.  A new line has been installed.  Levi Sandoval hopes to use the Gallery only as a backup if the new wellÕs production is adequate.


New Well:

Ron Stafford reported that the new well has taken awhile, but it finally cased.  The depth is 600 feet.

The casing is done.  The company used strata levels to determine depth, water level, etc.  The well has several different screen levels to provide water in the well.  The bottom was sealed with Bentonite.  The PVC goes down 570 feet.  Next week the driller will pump water out to develop the well—cone of influence will be established.  This is a more detailed well than we have ever had.


The pump test will have 30,000-40,000 gallons of water drawn.  The water will be clear and diverted to the River by way of he pond.  The UBPOA has given permission for use of the pond.  The water will be analyzed for quality.  If we get an over limit of uranium or arsenic, we may need to install cleaning testing equipment.  Ron Stafford is checking to see if there might be stimulus money for such.   If not, we will have to pay for equipment and installation.


Once the quality passes, the State will then advertise for any objections to pumping—if all goes well, we should have a green light by late fall.


Cleanup of the well area is in the contract.  The BOR, Environmental Department and the BMDWCA will need to approve—reseeding, refurbishment, etc.


A 3-hp to 4-hp motor will be required for the new well pump.


Rex Sewell motioned that the meeting adjourn at 10:20 a.m.  Irv Lindemuth seconded.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
