October 18, 2009 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:03 a.m. at Ron StaffordÕs cabin.


Directors Present:    Charlie Lawrence

                                    Tom Petersen

                                    Clay Kilmer

                                    Deej Banister

                                    Ron Stafford


Minutes of the September 20, 2009 meeting were read.  Ron Stafford made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Charlie Lawrence seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.  Tom Petersen determined that enough Board members were present to form a quorum.


TreasurerÕs report:

Due to the absence of Rubel Martinez, the TreasurerÕs report was tabled until the next meeting.



Deej Banister contacted Belinda Marcum, administrator of Marcum Trust, to see if they plan to transfer the user membership that goes with the purchase of the Rizika property.  Belinda has submitted a letter to the Board indicating that the Marcum Trust did not want to transfer the user membership.  They want to cancel the membership as of November 18, 2008—the date the property was purchased.  (See Marcum Trust folder for letter.)


Clay Kilmer and his brother, Eddie, requested a membership transfer for property located on Lot 2, Unit 1, Block 3, BLE.  This transfer is within the family so no fee is charged.  Ron Stafford made a motion to accept the transfer.  Charlie Lawrence seconded.  Clay Kilmer abstained from voting.  The motion carried.


The VA Mortgage Company contacted the Board for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for a property that is being purchased in the Brazos.  The Board asked Deej Banister to refer the organization to the New Mexico Public Regulations Commission and to give them our email address to reference our Articles of Incorporation.



It has come to the attention of the Board through the Rio Grande Sun newspaper that the Lucy Moya property is going up for auction due to a loan foreclosure with a bank in Colorado.  The Board discussed this issue and its relationship to the two-years of water delinquencies, $1,203.54, that are due on this property.  Charlie Lawrence made a motion that we place a lien on the property—based on the Sanitary Action Acts regarding collection of fees.  Ron Stafford seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.  Deej Banister and Ron Stafford will file the lien with Rio Arriba County.


The aging report was reviewed.  It was determined that the following members would have their services locked out until accounts are brought current—

            Joe Serna


Faustin Trujillo

Michael Warren

and, the following members will be locked out until fees have been brought current and leaks have been repaired—

Laurel Baker

Marianne Robinson


These delinquent members will have notices posted at their cabins at the time of lock out.  The members will be notified within the notice that to remove the lock is a Federal offense—it is a public water system—and that the Coop will not remove the lock until the fees are brought current and/or repairs or made.


Deej Banister is to contact Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, with lockout information, as well as to confer with her regarding invoice billing for the above mention members and the use of a collection agency—benefits, costs, etc. 


Tom Petersen and Deej Banister will work on compiling a certified letter of notification for these members.  (NOTE:  The following day Deej discussed the monthly invoice billing with Gretchen and she preferred sending the delinquent members a billing in lieu of a certified letter stating that their water would be locked out in 30 days if payment was not made.  Deej discussed this option with Ron Stafford and a decision was made to give Gretchen the go ahead to proceed with the lock-out billing and defer a certified mailing.)


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Our certified water operator, Levi Sandoval, and his assistant, Bidel Candelaria, completed a leak detection of the water systemÕs infrastructure at a cost of $600.00.  Thank you to Levi and Bidel for a job well done!  Ron Stafford will work with Levi Sandoval to review the detection report and identified leaks.


Clay Kilmer and Tom Petersen will GPS the water infrastructure beginning this Friday, October 23, 2009.  Meters will be stamped for identification to aide in the leak detection process in future years.  Deej Banister has compiled a spreadsheet from Levi SandovalÕs detection report to record meter locations.  This spreadsheet will also serve as a year-to-year leak reference record.


Clay Kilmer is to research the cost for renting a pinger (electro-magnetic signal device) to establish location of old galvanized waterline pipes for capping and disconnect.


New Well:

Ron Stafford presented an update on the new well system.  Electrical has been installed in the well house.  The pressure switch has yet to be installed.  This will happen this coming week when the new plumbing is installed.  Levi will install a temp 2-inch saddle and a pressure switch so the pressure can be adjusted on the switch.  After these installations, the well will be started and run for a few more days to clean up the water.  The well will need to be disinfected and a sample for Colioform and Toluene conducted.


Ron Stafford indicated that our water system is in good shape.  The water supply is excellent at this time.  With the new well the community will have an ample supply of water for many years to come.  At this time, each well can be operated independently.


The State EngineerÕs publications of the new well ads are finished.  He has given us the go ahead to operate.


Mandatory training for the Board of Directors is scheduled for this coming spring.  The Rural Water Association will be holding classes.  Board members will need to schedule a time to attend these classes.


The BoardÕs perusal of the Sanitary Projects Act was discussed.  It was determined that the Board will use this document as a governing guide for the water coop along with the R/Rs and Bylaws.


Upcoming Board Meeting dates were tentatively scheduled for November 15 and December 13 at 8:00 a.m.


Clay Kilmer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 a.m.  Ron Stafford seconded the motion.


Respectfully submitted,


Deej Banister



Repair and installation work is to be combined for the following:

1.     Repair plumbing for both well houses,

2.     Water can installation for Lawrence,

3.     Cap off water line for Banister (Garage lot)

4.     Install water line and can to Eugene Casias property,

5.     Replace PRV, Falls Creek Road,

6.     Cap off Òold waterÓ lines,

7.     Replace identified broken water cans.

Levi Sandoval will search for organizations within our area to perform the work if Randy Terrazas is overloaded.


Rules and Regulation need to be revised to reflect any decisions made by the Board regarding methods to be used for collection of delinquent water fees.