February 21, 2010 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 10:15 a.m. at Rubel MartinezŐs home in Albuquerque


Directors Present:    Tom Petersen

                                    Rex Sewell

                                    Rubel Martinez

                                    Clay Kilmer


Minutes of the October 18, 2009 meeting:  Tom Petersen read the minutes.  Clay Kilmer moved to accept the minutes as read.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The minutes were unanimously approved.


TreasurerŐs report:

Rubel  Martinez presented the TreasurerŐs Report: 

The Community Bank balance as of February 21, 2010 is $76,627.68.


Several small checks were written to Levi Sandoval and Terrazos Utilities for services performed.


Loan payment of $15,068.00 has been made.  The balance due on this loan is $59,222.90.



Rubel Martinez presented an application and quick claim deed that he received for membership—lot AL-15 in the Aspen area.  Our records show this property has a non-user certificate issued to it under the name of Lambson.  The names Combs and Lambson are on the application and deed.  Discussion ensued and it is not clear what is involved with this issue. Tom will call and follow-up with the names involved determining if this is a transfer of non-user certificate or a new application.



The Board was provided with a list of delinquencies from Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper.  Rubel Martinez questioned accuracy of the list—he indicated that Trujillo and Serna have paid, T. Casias paid late fees, and J. Martinez paid in part.


Longstanding delinquencies and credit issues were discussed.  The list includes Baker, Cosgrove, Lujan, Moya (lien on property), Silva-Garcia, Warren, Robinson and Sainz.  Gretchen will continue to handle delinquencies. Board needs to determine where lockouts are needed.  Agenda item for next meeting.


It was noted that the delinquent invoice billings have been somewhat successful regarding our water fee collections.


Clay Kilmer questioned whether we as a Board are empowered to negotiate on payment issues. Rex Sewell responded that payment policy, payment methods and due dates are in the Rules & Regulations and no negotiation is mentioned. Tom Petersen questioned if we should publish the delinquency list on the web page.  Rubel Martinez pointed out that there have been lists of non-payment for other things listed in public newspapers.  Clay suggested we check with other rural water coops to see how they handle delinquencies.




Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Tom Petersen stated that as maintenance charges are received we should match them with our budget estimates so we stay fiscally responsible, and to determine if our budget is reasonable. Rubel Martinez will go back and review all checks issued and obtain a total cost for maintenance and repair, as well as other costs such as taxes, loan payments etc. for comparison with the budget allocations.  Rubel Martinez will check with Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, to see if she can correlate checks with specific expenses.  Rubel Martinez also mentioned that Ron Stafford has been keeping track of expenses on the new well.


Tom Petersen suggested that Irv Lindemuth review current documents on the web site and see if our current budget is available to members. 


The frozen waterline on Falls Creek Road was discussed. Rex Sewell presented what was known about the issue as per Ron StaffordŐs explanation—Levi Sandoval and Randy Terrazos have been working to locate and repair. They have dug up and checked pipe, but have not located exact problem. Ron Stafford suggested that they continue as weather permits to locate and at least temporarily fix the problem. There was discussion on the subject. The Board concurs with this recommendation.   Further action/discussion (possibly replacement of old line) was tabled for next Board meeting. Tom Petersen will e-mail Ron Stafford to give go-ahead on continuing work on frozen pipes to hopefully get water to members as soon as possible. Tom Petersen will send a Pdf file to Board members on mapping of the waterline.


New Well:

Discussion will follow at next meeting.  Tom Petersen also requested that the Board review Levi SandovalŐs water reports for discussion at the next meeting. 


Annual Meeting:

The Annual meeting was discussed. Tom Petesen proposed a Memorial Day meeting date in the Brazos—to be held at the Fire Station with the time to be determined.  Presentation info is needed.


Tom reviewed BOD changes for 2010. Tom Petersen, Deej Banister and TJ Allard (now Clay Kilmer) are in the 2009 to 2012 term.  Charlie Lawrence, Ron Stafford and Mike Valdez are in the 2008 to 2011 term.  Irv Lindemuth, Rex Sewell and Rubel Martinez are up for election in May, 2010.  Recruiting candidates was discussed.  Tom Petersen would prefer not to be Board president next year.


 Tom Petersen will update BOD terms on next agenda.



Action items from this meeting carried over until next meeting:

1.     Follow-up on Deej BanisterŐs referral of organization interested in our Articles of Incorporation to NM Public Regulations Commission.

2.     Follow-up on Deej Banister contacting bookkeeper with lockout info, mailing of delinquent billings, and possible use of collection agency.

3.     Follow-up on letter of notification of delinquent bills by Tom Petersen and Deej Banister.

4.     Follow-up on research of costs for electro-magnetic signal device to locate old galvanized piping. Clay Kilmer could not find a rental company. Suggested possibility of having a Company send out a person w/equip.  Clay Kilmer will contact Levi Sandoval to see if he is aware of any other system and/or has access to one of these devices. Clay Kilmer will also cost out a device for next meeting.

5.     Follow-up on installation of saddle and pressure switch by Levi Sandoval.  Clay Kilmer explained that Levi Sandoval initially installed such, but problems occurred—need more research on switch size, location and process. Apparently, the elevation of the upper tank is causing problems for switch—causing pump to work to fast and drawing down water level of well leading to turbidity problems, etc.

6.     Training issues—item ongoing.

7.     Infrastructure repair and installation work—items are ongoing.

8.     If fees remain unpaid, Tom Petersen needs to review any changes needed in Rules and Regulations for collection of delinquent water fees and Board actions


The schedule for the Board meetings through the spring and summer was delayed until next meeting. It was determined that the March meeting date would be March 21 in the Brazos at 8:00 a.m. at Tom Petersen's cabin pending notification of other Board members.


Rubel Martinez made motion to adjourn at 12:00 p.m.  Clay Kilmer seconded motion.


Respectfully submitted,




Rex Sewell

Acting Secretary