Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Assoc., Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2009



Meeting was held at T.J. Allard's home in Albuquerque, NM


Board Members Present:

Tom Petersen - President

Mike Valdez - Vice President

Rubel Martinez - Treasurer

Ron Stafford - Director

T.J. Allard - Director

Rex Sewell - Director


Rex Sewell acted as Secretary in Deej Banister's absence.


Meeting was called to order at 10:10 am.  Tom Petersen questioned members if they had reviewed minutes for January 18 meeting and a short discussion followed.  Motion was made by T.J. Allard to accept minutes as recorded by Charlie Lawrence.  Mike Valdez seconded, motion carried unanimously.


TreasurerŐs Report:

1.       Rubel Martinez gave Treasurer's report.  January starting balance was $73,164.98.  January bills were mostly for snow removal.  Month-end balance for January was $72,017.22.  Rubel paid a major loan installment due February 3 for $15,068.17 and the Mt. States Insurance indemnity of $2,118.  The February ending balance was $55,113.  The balance as of the March board meeting is $54,685.00.

2.       Gretchen sent a Profit/Loss sheet that contained an itemized report.

3.       Ron asked that Gretchen prepare a Profit/Loss report for our fiscal year April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 to do a comparison study for our budget.

4.       Payments were received and deposited for Laycock/Mussleman ($602.00 with late fee) and Mary Ann Robinson ($635.00 with late fee).

5.       Several minor expenditures on a printed report were shown to Board.


Membership Actions:

1.      Only two delinquent accounts at present, Baker and Moya.  Ron suggested a letter be sent to Baker and Moya expressing the possibilities of cancelling memberships for non-payment.  Some discussion followed.  Rubel suggested we check the Bylaws to determine if limitations on cancellation existed—specifically, if a member had to be in arrears for a certain number of years.  Mike found in the Rules and Regulations that membership could be cancelled under penalties of non-payment.  Mike also found a section in the Bylaws that indicated cancellation should only be done if member is three years in arrears.  Ron and T.J. said a most stringent penalty should be followed.  T.J. questioned Tom on what is the next step if membership is cancelled—meters are locked out; however, locks could be cut off.  It was determined that if cancellation occurs, the meters will be pulled and line capped and backfilled.  It was decided that Ron would talk to a Baker relative—warning of a possible loss of membership and its consequences.  Tom will draft letters to Baker and Moya.  A registered letter will be sent to Baker.  We will attempt to hand deliver the Moya letter since the last registered letter we sent came back unopened.  T.J. suggested sending a Transfer of Membership form with letter to Moya.  If property is now in her son's name as he has claimed, then a transfer is in order.  The bill is due nonetheless.  As per Tom action is needed by the end of the month.

2.      Ron brought up non-user membership issues—specifically, T.J. AllardŐs motherŐs non-user membership.  This issue has been discussed before and it was determined that it should be resolved.  Mrs. Allard owns a small piece of property that at one time had a non-user membership.  Whether this membership has been cancelled is at the heart of the issue.  Mike stated that unless definitive information on the cancellation existed then the membership should still exist.  Tom requested that we obtain the files and information available to take action and resolve this issue and the possibility of over-payment by Mrs. Allard at the next meeting.  Ron agreed to attempt to locate file and have available for all members at next meeting.


Construction and Maintenance:

1.      Tom brought up questions concerning future maintenance and the costs.  It was determined that we should have Levi put together a calendar of maintenance items.

2.      Ron will check with Levi on Gallery flushing procedures.



New Well:

1.      Ron stated that a driller had been selected.

2.      It was determined that several needs be adhered.  A small amount of brush and logs need to be removed for the drill site.  Some old piping needs to be cut off and possibly dug up.

3.      A 220 outlet needs to be installed on a pole at the drill site.  Driller will prep site otherwise.

4.      Ron stated we should find out when the 220 should be in place and he mentioned someone in the area could do work.

5.      T.J. mentioned that since Randy Terrazas prefers to have several jobs in place, we should try to get all our work items lined up to be done at the same time by him.

6.      Ron stated that drilling would probably start soon after final contract is awarded.


Annual Meeting:

The annual meeting and the accompanying newsletter were discussed. Tom requested items to be included in Newsletter:

1.                 New well status,

2.                 Billing process and actions,

3.                 Leak detection success – (always had water),

4.                 Water turn on procedures,

5.                 Assessment update,

6.                 Annual fee review,

7.                 Possible Bylaw changes,

8.                 Budget performance – explanation,

9.                 Board Member elections—send note to Deej to see who is up for election.

Tom asked that Board members be diligent in coming up with items and info for the Newsletter.  Mike asked when Newsletter should be out. It was decided the end of April.



1.      T.J. stated the Fire Station would be available for the BMDWCA Annual Meeting date set for Saturday May 23rd at 1:00 pm.

2.      Ron wrote a letter to the Governor for our Association on behalf of two employees of the Rural Water Association requesting that funding for their position be restored.

3.      Ron will attend the RWA meetings April 5-7.

4.      It was determined that the Web site is down.  Irv will be contacted to find out what is happening.


2009 Meeting Schedules:

A schedule was set up for the next seven months of Board Meetings to be held at Board member cabins at 8:00 am.  As follows:


April 12                 Ron Stafford

May 17                 Tom Petersen

June 21                Mike Valdez

July 19                 Rex Sewell

Aug 16                 Rubel Martinez

Sept 20                Irv Lindemuth

Oct 18                  T.J. Allard


Motion was made by T.J. Allard to adjourn the meeting.  Rubel seconded.  Motion carried at 11:53 am.


Respectfully submitted,




Rex Sewell



Action Items as collected on Tom PetersenŐs meeting notes; tlp:


1.      Ron to consult with Levi about flushing the Gallery filter (sand/gravel) with air or water.

2.      Ron to consult with Levi about a maintenance schedule, such as flushing, cleaning tanks, filters, altitude valve, etc.

3.      Rubel will get an annual profit/loss statement from Gretchen for the dates April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. FY-08

4.      Tom to draft letters to Baker and Moya about non-payment of annual fees.

5.      Agenda item for next month to resolve Mrs. AllardŐs non-user membership.  Deej/Ron to search files for letters and old meeting notes to help resolve this issue.

6.      Ron to contact USGS about when and what kind of 220 outlet to provide service for new well testing.

7.      Mike to send annual meeting slides and any other annual meeting information to Tom

8.      Ron will update budget for another year to support annual meeting

9.      Irv to start contacts for leak detection services for later this year

10.   Tom to notify Deej about which water board members are up for re-election this year.