Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2006



The regularly scheduled meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at the Albuquerque home of Bob Diefenbaugh at 7:05 p.m.


Members present:  Tom McWilliams, Kevin Chafins, John Cudek, Mike Valdez, David Sainz, John Hoffman, Ray Leverich, Ron Stafford and Bob Diefenbaugh.

Members absent:  none


There were no November, 2005 meeting Minutes available.


The November, 2005 Financial statement was presented by Treasurer John Cudek.  Mike Valdez moved to approve the report.  Kevin Chafins seconded.  Motion carried.


The December, 2005 Minutes were read by Secretary John Cudek.  A correction was noted that the Òmeeting of the wholeÓ should be changed to Òa committee of the wholeÓ.  Ray Leverich moved to accept the Minutes as corrected.  Kevin Chafins seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom McWilliams asked for a motion to defer the reading of the November 2005 Minutes until the February meeting.  Kevin Chafins moved.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Motion carried.


The December, 2005 financial report was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  Mike Valdez moved to accept the report.  David Sainz seconded.  Motion carried.


The Accounts Payable list was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  John Hoffman moved to pay all bills. Ron Stafford seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom reported that there was no update on delinquent accounts.


Tom reported that there were no new transfers yet.


Tom reported on maintenance of the water system.  Our last chlorine test passed.  Meters were shut off to unoccupied cabins in December.  The gallery is still producing water.  Tom recorded meter readings and sent them to the State.  We used 13.1 acre feet of water for 2005.


Tom reported on a leak at the hunterÕs cabin (formerly the Hill house).  Discussions followed.


Tom reported on a discussion involving some of the Board members and Attorney Brett Olsen regarding water issues and the wording of our By Laws.  Discussions followed.  Further discussion will take place concerning our Rules and Regulations at the February meeting.


Discussions continued about how best to implement water conservation in the Brazos.  Teams were formed to cover everything from reading meters, replacement and/or repair of non functioning or broken meters, setting up standards for stop and waste and frost free valves to cabins and leak detection evaluation of our main feeder lines by a qualified outside contractor.  Committees will report at the next meeting.


The next meeting will be held at the John Hoffman residence in Albuquerque on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.  Thanks to Bob and Linda Diefenbaugh for the use of their home and refreshments.  There being no further business, Ron Stafford moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.



                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,




                                                                                    John Cudek
