NOVEMBER 20, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 9:05 A. M. at the Valdez cabin in the Brazos.


Members Present:  Mike Valdez, Tom McWilliams, John Hoffman, David Sainz, Bob Diefenbaugh, Kevin Chafin.

Members Absent:  John Cudek, Ray Leverich, Ron Stafford.

Enough members were present to form a quorum.




Minutes:  President Tom McWilliams read the Minutes of the October 2005 Board of Directors meeting.  There were no comments or changes to the minutes.  John Hoffman moved to accept the minutes as submitted.  David Sainz seconded the motion. Motion carried.


TreasurerÕs Report:  The TreasurerÕs Report was read by Tom McWilliams.  Bob Diefenbaugh moved to accept the treasurerÕs report as submitted, and David Sainz seconded the motion.   Motion carried.


The delinquent accounts status was reviewed by Tom McWilliams, only one account is delinquent and that member is making progress payments in order to bring the account current.


Tom McWilliams stated that he met with the lawyer, Brett Olsen, and presented him with all the materials he needs to analyze our existing rate structure and rational in an attempt to determine if we have a good legal basis for what we do.  He expects the lawyer to begin his analysis after December 1.  He also presented a chart from a course he took last summer which said that ÒBilling rules must be codified and must be evenly applied within a customer class.Ó


Tom stated that he received a copy of the ÒNotice of Dismissal of ComplaintÓ form from Mr. Irvin Lindemuth.  This closes that activity.


Tom stated that there are three property transfer actions in process.  Transfer of properties between Richard Toledo and Petersen, Qunizenberry to Lawrence, and Morris to Allard.


Tom passed out copies of the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations to all the members present.  This is in preparation for discussion relative to the lawyerÕs analysis and whether we need to modify our rate structures in the future.


David Sainz informed the Board that the Brazos Lodge will be the location of meetings held between the NM Department Secretaries and he will have an opportunity to input any issues that we deem important to our operation or the operation of other water

Co-ops in Northern New Mexico.  Members of the Board of Directors should send material to David at his e-mail address.




Tom & David found and fixed a continuous leak in the man-hole next to the #3 well house.  The leak was at a flange mount for the in-line filter housing.  This is probably the long term leak we have been searching for and it was definitely in the amount of 3 gpm.  The man-hole had about 4 feet of water in it and the earth below the well head hill was beginning to show signs of wet places.


Ron Stafford and Tom McWilliams have read all the meters from the CondoÕs/Robinson cabin east.  No immediate leaks were found, but water is standing in the meter can of Rubel Martinez. 


The UBPOA has all the material to install the pond aerator, which will hook up to our circuit breaker box.  It will hook up to the ÒlightÓ circuit breaker.


Tom read a letter from Rio Arriba County Planning & Zoning Department about a joint meeting of all the water associations to be held on November 19.  Unfortunately, we got the letter on November 20.  It invited us to participate.




The December meeting will be held on December 13 th at the Cooperage Restaurant in Albuquerque, starting at 6 PM.  This is a dinner meeting with participation from the UBPOA.


The January meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the month, January 10 th at the home of Bob and Linda Diefenbaugh.  Bob will send directions to their home sometime before the meeting.  The meeting will begin at 7 PM.


There being no further business, David Sainz moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 AM.


Thanks to Mike and Nina Valdez for the refreshments and the use of their cabin for our meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Kevin Chafin

Vice President