Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of

April 10, 2006



The regularly scheduled meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 7:09 p.m. at the Albuquerque home of John Hoffman on April 10, 2006.


Members present:  Tom McWilliams, Ray Leverich, Kevin Chafins, John Hoffman and John Cudek.

Members absent:  Bob Diefenbaugh, David Sainz, Mike Valdez and Ron Stafford.


There were no financial reports available for the meeting.


The accounts payable list was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  John Hoffman moved to pay all bills.  Kevin Chafins seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Tom reported that Bill Greenaulgh was the only delinquent account and he was making payments to bring his account current.


Discussions followed on revisions to the rules and regulations, specifically water rates.  The base usage per month was set at 4,500 gallons.  After that, water would be billed in blocks of 200 gallons at $20.00 per block.  Kevin Chafins moved to adopt this.   John Hoffman seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom reported on two property transfers. 

A)  Tom Petersen from Richard Toledo on lots 8 and 9.  John Hoffman moved to accept the transfer with the stipulation on which lot the water members goes with.  Ray Leverich seconded.  Motion carried.

B)  Martha Allard from Earl and Mary Ellen Morris.  Kevin Chafins moved to accept the transfer.  Ray Leverich seconded.  Motion carried.


Kevin Chafins reported on the nominating committee.  Three people are up for re-election;  John Hoffman, Tom McWilliams and Kevin Chafins.  Also placed on the ballot are Tom Petersen and T.J. Allard.  Kevin Chafins announced that he would not be running again for the another term.


Discussions followed on the date and place of the annual meeting and spring newsletter.  The annual meeting will be held Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at St. PaulŐs Methodist Church in Albuquerque.


Tom reported that our annual liability insurance was going to run around $1,900.00. 


Ray Leverich reported that Rural Water Association wants to get group bids through underwriters for rural water co-ops and mutual domestics.

Tom reported on two upcoming well actions – checking water levels in #1 and #3 wells.  Our chlorine test results were not in yet.  Discussions followed about new meter technology available to remotely read water meters.  Tom reported that between March 5th and March 9th the community used 6,900 gallons per day average. 


Tom reported that Roy White wanted to know if he could switch his membership back to a non-user.  After review, the answer was no.


Kevin Chafins moved to donate $100.00 to the Animal Humane Society in the memory of Beverly Leverich.  John Hoffman seconded.  Motion carried.


Next meeting will be the annual meeting at 7:00 p.m. at St. PaulŐs Methodist Church on May 10th, 2006.


Thanks to John Hoffman for the use of his home for the meeting and the refreshments.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        John Cudek
