April 27, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was brought to order at 8:07 a.m. at the Brazos
Volunteer Fire Station
Directors Present: Clay Kilmer
Mike Valdez
Deej Banister
Rubel Martinez
Paul Walenciak
Tom Petersen
Action items are in red.
Minutes of September 22, 2013:
Mike Valdez made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Clay Kilmer seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
TreasurerÕs Report:
Bills are
Community Bank checking as of March 31, 2014: $
cash as of March 31, 2014: $ 20,147.59
JASBX as of March 31, 2014: $
Quality Testing reports are current.
Rubel feels
we should continue to delay moving the approved $30,000.00 into a mutual fund
with Fidelity. The market
does not appear stable and we do not know what our total legal fees for water rights
will be.
is to prepare the Projected Budget for 2014-2015.
Nick Loftist
is working on the 2010-2013 BMDWCA audit.
Water Rights 2-Year Plan
Albright is working the 2-year plan for our adjudicated water rights. The total cost for his services are not
known at this time.
Cauthen, user member, contacted Clay Kilmer with a water fee concern. She has not been to her property for nine
(9) years and cannot pay her annual fee.
Currently her cabin is up for sale.
The Board determined that our R/Rs do not allow non payments based on
occupancy or sale of property. Clay Kilmer is to contact Joyce Cauthen and explain the BoardÕs
Liability Insurance
Action item to
research current liability insurance coverage for tanks and property was tabled
until the next meeting. This action is assigned to Mike Doyle.
Upper Tank Property:
The survey
of the upper tank acreage shows that our property as plotted by Metes and
Bounds infringes Tom MelkÕs property. Clay Kilmer and Paul Walenciak met with
Tom Melk concerning this boundary dispute and a possible solution. Melk agreed to a land swap. A swap of land would allow our acreage
to contain the upper tank and remain at .52 of an acre. The surveyor will make the correct plot
adjustments and we will submit such to Melk for final approval. As part of the land swap agreement we are
to clean up the debris at our upper tank site and keep the area in pristine condition.
Tom Petersen made a motion to finalize the boundary lines for the exchange and to perform the cleanup issues within the next 2 to 3 months. Kilmer seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
Status on
Supplemental Well Research:
Clay Kilmer and Paul Walenciak discussed a supplemental well at the upper tank.
Action items list for drilling a well was distributed to the Board for perusal:
1. Resolve boundary issues with Tom Melk
2. Determine feasibility of easement for electrical line
3. Cost Evaluations:
a. Construction electrical line and service drop
b. Road improvements to allow drill rig to access site
c. Well installation, pump installation
d. Laboratory testing of new well water to prove adequate for public use
e. Plumbing well to upper tank, with meter, controls, etc.
4. BOD review of total costs
5. Research NMED-CPB and RUS funding and opportunities
6. Initiate grant/low-interest loan application or begin self performance
additional locations for a supplemental well were also discussed.
Annual Meeting:
The annual meeting is set for May 24, 2014 at 300 p.m. at the VF Station.
The meeting officially adjourned at 10:08 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister