Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 11, 2006



The regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by Secretary/Treasurer John Cudek at 9:05 a.m. at the Cudek cabin in the Brazos.


Members present:  John Cudek, Ray7 Leverich, David Sainz, Ron Stafford, Mike Valdez and Tom Petersen.

Members absent:  TJ Allard and Tom McWilliams


Others present:  John Hoffman, Irv Lindemuth, Ray and Carolyn Barron.


The April 2006 Minutes were read by Secretary John Cudek.  Ray Leverich moved to accept the Minutes.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Motion carried.


The May 2006 Minutes were read by Secretary John Cudek.  Ray Leverich moved to accept the Minutes.  Ron Stafford seconded.  Motion carried.


The financial reports were presented by Treasurer John Cudek.  Ron Stafford moved the accept the reported.  David Sainz seconded.  Motion carried.


The Accounts Payable list was presented by Treasurer John Cudek.  Ron Stafford moved to pay all bills.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Motion carried.


Ron Stafford asked for nominations to fill the vacant board position left by the resignation of Bob Diefenbaugh.  Ray Leverich nominated John Hoffman.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Ron Stafford nominated Irv Lindemuth.  David Sainz seconded.  There were no further nominations.  By a show of hands Irv Lindemuth 3 votes and John Hoffman 2 votes.  Irv Lindemuth was nominated to replace Bob Diefenbaugh for the remainder of his term.


Election of Officers:  The floor for nominations of officers was opened.


Position of President:                      Ron Stafford nominated David Sainz as President.

                                                            Irv Lindemuth seconded.  Motion was made to

                                                            close the nominations.  David Sainz was elected

                                                            President by a unanimous vote.


Position of Vice President:              Ron Stafford nominated Mike Valdez as Vice

                                                            President.  Tom Petersen seconded.  Motion was

                                                            made to close the nominations.  Mike Valdez was

                                                            elected Vice President by a unanimous vote. 


Ray Leverich moved to combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Motion carried.


Position of Secretary/Treasurer     Ron Stafford nominated John Cudek as Secretary/

                                                            Treasurer.  Motion was seconded by ____________

                                                            Motion was made to close the nominations.  John

                                                            Cudek was elected Secretary/Treasurer by a

                                                            unanimous vote.


There being no further discussion David Sainz as newly elected President takes over the meeting with thanks to John Cudek.


David reported on delinquent accounts.  Bill Greenaulgh may have paid arrears in full.  He will check and report.


David Sainz presented property transfers.  Transfer from Pat Torraco to Dan and Lisa Torraco.  All paperwork was in order.  Ray Leverich moved to accept the transfer.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Motion carried.


David Sainz proposed reviewing the by-laws and rules & regulations by a committee.  Appointed to the committee was Ron Stafford as Chair, Irv Lindemuth, Ray Leverich and Tom Petersen.  Also assisting were Ray and Carolyn Barron.  Discussions followed.


Next was the proposed Moya water hook up. Discussions followed about various water hook up options.


Ron Stafford reported that he, his wife Carolyn and Carolyn Barron had checked numerous cabins for leaks.  They discovered a large leak at the cabin just south of Daryl GunterÕs.  Discussions followed.


David Sainz reported that next monthÕs meeting should focus on risk mitigation and possible relocation of bookkeeping services to the Chama area.  Also was discussed training someone as a small systems operator.


Ron reported that he had not heard from Albuquerque company regarding the repair of the altitude valve at the middle tank.


The next meeting will be held the second Sunday in July, July 7th, 2006, in the Brazos at a location still to be determined.


There being no further business there was a motion to adjourn by Ron Stafford at 10:38 a.m.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        John Cudek
