Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2005
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 9 AM at the Brazos cabin of Kevin and Janice Chafin on Sunday, July 10, 2005.
Members present: Kevin Chafin, Ray Leverich, Ron Stafford, David Sainz and Tom McWilliams. Members absent: Bob Diefenbaugh, John Hoffman, Mike Valdez, and John Cudek.
Association member Irv Lindemuth was present and the meeting was suspended to allow him to address the Board of Directors. The meeting was reconvened following his comments.
The minutes of the April meeting of the Board of Directors was read by Tom McWilliams. Ray Leverich moved that the minutes be accepted as read and Kevin seconded the motion. All present voted in favor of the motion and the motion passed.
The minutes of the June meeting of the Board of Directors was read by Tom McWilliams. Ray Leverich moved to accept the minutes as read and the motion was seconded by David Sainz. All present voted in favor of the motion and the motion passed.
Tom McWilliams read the list of bills to be paid. Ray Leverich moved to pay all the bills and Ron Stafford seconded the motion. All present voted in favor of the motion and the motion passed.
Ray discussed an option to have our Chlorine barrels delivered to us at the Brazos since DPC Products makes a delivery to Chama. Tom will discuss this with the DPC manager the next time we need Chlorine. There may be no charge for this service.
Tom announced that he would be attending a one day work shop entitled ÒHow much is your water worthÓ to be held Thursday, July 14.
Tom gave a run down of events on drilling the new #3 well. The well is 320 feet deep with recorded water flow at 165 feet of 25+ gpm. The small flow that exists at 280 feet was not recorded by the driller since it was masked by the strong flow at 165 feet. The draw down test using a 20 gpm pump for 6 hours resulted in the water level falling from 140 feet below the surface to 145 feet 9 inches below the surface. This was noted as excellent performance. The pump is set to run for 3 sessions of 5 hours each and that produces 13,700 gallons per day.
Tom opened discussions concerning our annual membership rate for commercial rental properties. Tom asked if there was any sediment for discussing this subject by any Board Member. The answer was affirmative. Ron Stafford made a suggestion that a committee be formed to study a way to determine the way rates are calculated and also suggested that a member of the association outside of the Board of Directors participate in the study. The use of a non Board of Directors member was opposed by Tom, Kevin and Ray with the rational that the Board is elected to do the business of the Association and we should proceed to do that. Ron then make a motion to form a study committee of 2 Board Members and 1 non-Board member to study a way to arrive at a commercial rate for all commercial accounts. David Sainz amended the motion to make the committee 3 Board members and 2 non-Board members. There was no second to the motion and the motion died. This topic will be re-discussed at the August meeting.
Ray reported on the regionalization activity. The group now is called La Tierra Water. He also reported on the recent rules enacted by the ED on septic tank installations.
Ron reported that a large pine tree has died on the road to the #1 well house. The cost to remove the tree is projected to be $250 which could be split between the UBPOA and us. Ron made a motion that we provide $125 to pay ½ of the cost to remove the dead tree. Kevin seconded the motion and the motion passed. Ron then made a motion that the wood from the tree be donated to the VFD to be sold at the annual garage sale. David seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Ron talked about the need for training on the operation and maintenance of the water system and Tom agreed to provide a complete physical walk through of the system following the August meeting. A copy of the System Operation Manual will be emailed to Mike Valdez.
The meeting was again suspended at 10:18 to allow comments from Mr. Irv Lindemuth. The meeting was reconvened at 10:20 AM.
It was noted that Tom and Kevin cleaned up the area around the #3 well house and hauled all the stuff to the T.A. transfer station.
Appreciation was noted to Kevin and Janice for breakfast food and the use of their cabin for the meeting.
The August meeting will be held on Sunday August 14 at the Brazos cabin of Tom & Barbara McWilliams.
Ray moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:25.