July 20, 2014 General Meeting Minutes
Meeting was brought to order at 8:09
a.m. at the VFD.
Directors Present: Tom Petersen
Deej Banister
Rubel Martinez
Jay Mason
Irv Lindemuth
Mike Doyle
Karen Adam
Guest Present: Mike Valdez
Minutes of June 29, 2014:
Mike Doyle made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Rubel Martinez seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
for July 5, 2014, 8:00 a.m.:
Irv Lindemuth made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Jay Mason seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
A brief general meeting for election of officers followed the Annual Meeting of July 5, 2014. Mike Doyle made a motion to keep the same officers. Jim Walker seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. Jay Mason was nominated for a one year-term to replace Mike Valdez.
TreasurerÕs Report:
Bills are
Community Bank checking as of June 30, 2014: $ 73,547.79
cash as of June 30, 2014: $ 11,399.07
JASBX as of June 30, 2014: $
Total $
Total $
Martinez notified the Board that he would be transferring $10,000 to $15,000 from
the Community Bank into the Fidelity Cash account this next week. This will leave approximately $24,000 in
the Community Bank. Rubel will continue to check with Fidelity for an investment account
that provides a higher interest rate with a low penalty rate for
early withdrawal. Rubel will
report back to the BOD on his findings.
Rubel Martinez reported that Nick Loftis plans to have our audit finalized this next week.
Membership Concerns/Application:
Rubel Martinez and Deej Banister
presented the Aging Report as of July 10, 2014: There are nine (9) members who owe water
fees. Rubel is to check with Gretchen
Denman, Bookkeeper, to reinforce that the interest penalty is to be compounded.
Mike Doyle
is to check on procedures for lien filing—canceling, renewing, and the validity
of accruing interest on liens that have been placed for a designated amount.
Angelo Marti and Bernadette Trujillo Marti were approved for a non-user transfer membership. They purchased the Donald Rose property, Lot 8, Serenity Drive.
Upper Tank:
The cleanup of trees and fencing around the tank is still in progress.
Irv Lindemuth attempted to contact
Metes and Bounds regarding concerns on the preliminary lot survey. Telephone messages were left. The BOD needs to know if the survey was
completed using original pins, as well as what the markings on the survey
Irv will continue to contact Metes and Bounds.
Irv Lindemuth continues to attempt a Òface-to-faceÓ contact with Tom Melk, Corkins. The BOD wants to inform Melk of our completed cleanup actions and discuss our concerns and what we are currently doing or planning for the upper tank property, as well as address any concerns he may have regarding the area.
Terrazas is currently awaiting parts to install into a flow meter to the
Gallery for measurement of water entering that system.
Irv Lindemuth reported on NORA estimate to install electrical to the upper tank area. The cost to follow Falls Creek Road would be approximately $10,000 to $25,000. NORA indicated that to come up the hill from the Shinnick cabin would be $8,000 to$10,000. Approval to cross ShinnickÕs property would have to be obtained, as well as permission to use his extension. If we install electrical on Falls Creek Road, we will own the extension.
Fire Hydrant
Mike Valdez, VFD Fire Chief, asked the BOD to schedule the flushing of hydrants and pressure tests for the Brazos Lodge Estates—14 hydrants. The BOD determined that after Labor Day would be the best time to perform the tasks, and that Levi Sandoval, Water Operator, and Bidal Candelaria, Assistant Water Operator, will be employed to perform this service. Rubel Martinez is to schedule the date and time with Levi. Mike would like to have copies of flushing and pressure tests performed for the BOD since 2009-2013 (5 years). Rubel is to ask Levi to collect this information for the VFD. The current ISO rating for the Department is 7/9. Regular flushing of hydrants and pressure tests will aid in keeping the ISO rating from being compromised. The flushing procedures should take about two (2) hours.
Irv Lindemuth
is to notify the membership of the upcoming hydrant service.
Water Rights/WR
Doyle presented copies of the 40-yr Plan extension form to the BOD for
perusal. He also discussed the 40-yr
Plan submitted in 2002. The
extension will allow the BOD time to revise this Plan. The
extension needs to be filed by November 15, 2014. In completing this extension, we need to
include new ideas that would establish our anticipated AFW needs—possibly
establish open area recreational use, establish the amount of water used to
maintain the pond, and to meter water from the Gallery. Jeff Albright is attempting to acquire at
least 48AFW per year. Currently,
the Office of the State Engineer water allowance per member is approximately
.25AFW per year. (A large city such
as Albuquerque shows a usage of .33AFW per year.) Also, Jeff Albright wanted the Board to
know that the Office of the State Engineer is interested in helping us solve
our problems and meet our needs. As
long as we are making an effort to establish our needs, they will work with us.
The amendment for the 40-yr Plan filed on February 27, 2002 for
97AFW needs to be filed by November 15, 2014. (Jeff would like to file both by
September 15, 2014.) It appears
that the amendment and extension are to be submitted on the same date. The BOD felt the extension was to allow
time to revise the amendment. Mike Doyle will check with Jeff for
clarification. Mike will contact
Clay Kilmer this next week and schedule a time to work on the suggested
anticipated AFW needs for inclusion in our submission.
A letter from
Kent Malmquist sent November 8, 2012 to Clay Kilmer, BOD President, concerning
our need to file an extension of time was reviewed. Malmquist indicated that it is not likely
the BMDWA will meet the 97AFW declared amount but this will not inhibit future hookups. Mike is
to research how the BOD should interpret Òwill not inhibit future hookupsÓ.
Mike Doyle
is to ask Jeff Albright to attend a Water Rights meeting in the Brazos. The BOD will pay his mileage to and from
the Brazos.
Mike is to
correct the Association address with the Office of the State Engineer to read
HC 75, Box 178, Chama, NM 87520.
Review and formation of committees/chairmen/and members was carried over from the last meeting. Additions and revisions are listed below:
Water Production/WP Committee:
In the absence of Jim Walker, Tom
Petersen presented continuing and future items for WP committee
consideration. The committee is to continue to research existing and new
sources for well location—a possible property purchase (i.e., Robinson,
J. Martinez, Gunter, and Valdez), to assign additional people to the WP Committee
and to follow-up with HGS to video Well 1A for water production and cleanout,
if needed.
Operating/OP Committee:
The scope and responsibilities of the Operating Committee were discussed. Irv Lindemuth was named Chairman. Members are Rubel Martinez and Paul Walenciak. Rubel Martinez is supervisory contact for Levi Sandoval, Water Operator.
Levi SandovalÕs repair list was
discussed. Irv
Lindemuth is to prioritize this list.
Rubel Martinez is to notify Levi when priority list is complete.
Leak and Lockout/LL Committee:
The Stop/Waste compliance letters
were returned as non-deliverable. Irv Lindemuth will continue to make contact with Silva/Garcia
and J. Lovato.
Members in lockout are:
L. Moya
PAR/Purge, Archive and Reconcile Committee:
The PAR Committee was established to complete the reconciliation of the BMDWCA files. Deej Banister was named Chairman. Members are Karen Adam and Tom Petersen.
Appendix A/Committees
and Points of Contact:
The Committee and Point-of-Contact list submitted by Irv Lindemuth at the July 5, 2014 is attached. See Appendix A.
Insurance, Personal
Banister reported that the new insurance policy for a 3-year term is
forthcoming from the Alcorn Insurance Agency. As soon as it is received, Pam Alcorn
will email or send the BMDWCA a copy. When
it is received, Mike Doyle will review for BOD liability coverage.
members are to continue to educate themselves in the use of Skype in order to
interact with Board meetings when they cannot attend in person. Again, this method is to be used only under
extenuating circumstances.
The meeting officially adjourned at
12:03 pm.
The next meeting will be August 17,
2014, 2014 at the VFD.
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister
Committee and Points-of-Contact Establishment:
OP Committee/Operating:
Maintain needed repair list, prioritize, and ensure completion
Keep Board informed of system status
System enhancements
Interface with UBPOA: pond water line, upper tank road maintenance
Interface with BCVFD: hydrant testing, costs --VFD gravity fill, repair, fire
Reports to State and Federal agencies: water usage, water quality samples
Interface with NM One-Call
LL Committee/Leaks and Lockout:
Maintain lock-out list, conduct lock-outs
Maintain lien list, follow-up
Confirm S&W list, notify members
Annual system-wide leak check
Organize mandatory leak check of individual units
Old pipe search
WP Committee/Water Production:
New well: cost analysis, location
Gallery (surface water) into compliance
UT Committee/Upper Tank:
Upper tank property: clean-up, boundaries, interface with Corkins owner
WR Committee/Water Rights:
Submission of 40-year Plan for Water Rights
Maintain general action item list
Emergency contacts
POC for members—one voice for customer complaints
Verbal contact with members regarding late payments
Interface with NMRWA, coordinate training
Draft budget, compare projected and actual expenses and income
Monthly gross receipts tax
Bi-yearly water conservation fee
Annual (May) nonprofit corporate report
Report By-Laws changes to State (Secretary)
Receive and sort mail (Secretary)
Organize teleconferences (Walker)
Maintain website, communicate with members (Lindemuth)
Review liability insurance limits (Doyle)
Annual consumer confidence report (???)
Other unidentified required reports to State and Federal agencies (???)