Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2006


The regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President David Sainz at 8:35 a.m. at the Brazos Lodge great room in the Brazos.


Members present:  David Sainz, Tom Petersen, Ray Leverich, TJ Allard, Irv Lindemuth, and Ron Stafford

Members absent:  Mike Valdez and John Cudek

Proof of quorum:  6 directors present

Others present:  John Hoffman, Carolyn Barron, Yvonne Sainz, and Ray Barron was representing UBPOA.


The June 11, 2006 Minutes were read by Tom Petersen. Ray Leverich moved to accept the minutes.  Tom Petersen seconded. Motion carried.


Discussion regarding Richard Rose and the Sanitary Projects Act was tabled as the meeting agenda did not have this subject scheduled.


Irv Lindemuth was assigned to research the Open Meetings Act with regard to motions, seconds and recording the voting on motions.


Nominations were asked for to fill the vacancy of Tom McWilliams.  Carolyn Barron was nominated by Irv Lindemuth.  Ron Stafford seconded.  Ray Leverich moved election by acclimation and passed unanimously.  Nominations were asked for to fill the vacancy of John Cudek, Secretary/Treasurer who recently resigned from the board.  Ron Stafford nominated Rex Sewell.  TJ Allard seconded.  Ray Leverich moved election by acclimation and passed unanimously.


Election of Officers:             Nominations for Secretary/Treasurer.  Carolyn Barron nominated Tom Petersen.  TJ Allard seconded.  Ron Stafford nominated Carolyn Barron, Ray Leverich seconded.  Nominations were closed.  All members except Carolyn Barron voted for Carolyn Barron, Carolyn Barron abstained from voting.  Carolyn Barron accepted the position of Secretary/Treasurer.


Correspondence from Twila Donaldson, bookkeeper was read by Carolyn Barron.  The

Summary of which follows: 

a).  Request from Frank Lopez to pay in quarterly installments instead of an annual

      payment.  The letter for this request by Mr. Lopez was not found by any of the board

      members.  Twila will be requested to see if that letter can be found in her office.


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b).  Michael Hays submitted 2 checks for his water payment by mistake.  Both checks

      were deposited.  A refund check was unanimously passed for the refund check to

      be sent to Michael Hays for the over payment.

c).  Signatures need to be changed from the current signors on the checking account

      with the New Mexico Bank and Trust as well as the Smith Barney acounts.  Ron

      Stafford made a motion to have the bank and Smith Barney accounts changed

      and the officers to be authorized to sign the accounts.  TJ Allard seconded. Vote

      was unanimous.

d). The check from the Water Association to the UBPOA is of equal amounts.  Twila

      Donaldson, bookkeeper is to issue a check to UBPOA in the amount of $350.01.

e).  Belinda Marcum, daughter of the late Barbara Marcum, sent a letter to the Board

      and at this time the board will only change the address for billing to Belinda

      MarcumÕs address at 4740 Mt. La Platta Drive, San Diego, CA 92117.  Barbara

      MarcumÕs estate is held in a trust.

      Transfer Application from Quisenberry to Charles Lawrence was presented to the

      Board for review.  This application is to be reviewed to see that the appropriate

      documentation was received and will be presented to the board at the meeting in


      Transfer Application from McWilliams to Lorna Nell Thurston was lacking a

      copy of a recorded deed and the transfer fee of $50.00. Upon receipt of needed deed

      and $50 the application will be presented to the board in August.

f).  Bookkeeping will continue to be kept by Twila Donaldson.  Subject of  moving the      

      bookkeeping to Chama was tabled.


TreasurerÕs Report was read as prepared by Twila Donaldson, Bookkeeper.  Ray

Leverich moved to pay the bills totaling $971.34.  TJ Allard seconded.  Motion carried.

A check in the amount of $100.00 was unanimously approved for the weed cutting in

The fenced area  and partially around the outer edge of the upper tank.  The weeds were

preventing easy access to the tank area. 

Irv Lindemuth presented a bill for $36 for copies of the water plan sheets 2 and 3 (east

and west) for new members to have as a reference.  Board approved unanimously to

reimburse Irv Lindemuth the $36.  Twila to issue payment of $36 to Irv Lindemuth.


Board reviewed Tom McWilliams email of actions needing attention.

1.  Well #1 production may be limited by plugged up slots.  The discussion presented two

actions.  (a) Ray Leverich to schedule a meeting with RogerÕs Well Drilling and discuss

how to improve the production.  Identify the scope of work, dates, etc.  All board

members will be informed of the meeting time and date in Albuquerque and invited to

attend.  Tom McWilliams is also invited to attend. (b) Ron Stafford to schedule a meeting

with Mark Bailey Drilling from Farmington to do the same as in the above item (a).








2. Well #3 Production pressurized to clean out silting in the surrounding rock..  Ray Leverich and Ron Stafford are to proceed as with items on Well #1.

Ray Leverich and Ron Stafford are to get separate and combined estimates for the scope of work, dates, recommended actions for each well.

3. Ron Stafford to do the meter test.


Irv Lindemuth moved to have the President of the designee authority to spend up to $1000 per month on emergency expenses to operate the water system.  Ron Stafford seconded.  John Hoffman indicated he did not think this was necessary and had not been done in the past.  The board voted unanimously to approve this request and passed.


Current Status and Risk mitigation – present Status is 5Õ 8 ÔÕ in the lower tank and dropping.  The upper system and lower system are isolated with Valve B being closed.  Well 1 and 3 feed middle tank at about 6,000 gallons a day.  Gallery feeds upper tank.  Meter in Well 3 is not operating (sand/clay stoppage).  System seems to be loosing about 1800 gallons a day in the middle tank.  July 3 used about 18,500 gallons between actual usage and leaks.  Mitigation and Rationing Plan is to:  a) Shut off water to the pond at the upper tank.  b) Build up a pool to collect water.  c) Have membership bring drinking water and water carrying containers.  Rationing was discussed and that would be a shut off to users between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.  Chlorination was recommended by Ray Leverich at the gallery at 4 parts per million.  Motion was made by TJ Allard to shut off the water to the pond and pump water into the upper tank.  Ray Leverich seconded.  Passed  unanimously.


UBPOA will send out a letter to about 200 on their list next week and offered to combine a letter from the water board with their mailing.  This offer was from Ray Barron, President of UBPOA. The board approved unanimously to have a post card mailed in the coming week to the water membership independently of the UBPOA mailing.  Ray Barron, President of the UBPOA stated it may be possible for the UBPOA, fire department and the Water Board to get a bulk mailing permit.   UBPOA was working on what the costs would be.


Irv Lindemuth proposed having the water board information posted on the UBPOA web page.  This will require investigation as to the costs for the web page, etc.

The board will take notice of Tony GallegosÕ passing and send a sympathy card.


Next meeting scheduled for August 12, 8:30 a.m. at the BarronÕs cabin 733 Hwy 512

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,



Carolyn Barron, Secretary/Treasurer