Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2005



The regularly scheduled meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc. was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 9:05 a.m. at the McWilliams cabin in the Brazos.


Members present:  Tom McWilliams, John Hoffman, John Cudek, Kevin Chafins, Ray Leverich, Bob Diefenbaugh, David Sainz, Mike Valdez and Ron Stafford. 

Members absent:  none

Enough members were present to form a quorum.


The Minutes of the July, 2005 Board of Directors meeting were read by Secretary John Cudek.  The only correction was to add the word Association to page 2 second paragraph É.. ŇThe group is now called La Tierra Water Association É.Ó  Ray Leverich moved to accept the Minutes as amended.  Bob Diefenbaugh seconded.  Motion carried.


The Financial Report was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  Ray Leverich moved to accept the report as presented.  Kevin Chafins seconded.  Motion carried.


The Accounts Payable list was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  John Hoffman moved to pay all bills.  David Sainz seconded.  Motion carried. 


Tom reported that there is $6,347.53 in the Smith Barney revolving account and $41,113.53 in the Smith Barney assessment account.


Tom reported that the last of the new well paperwork was sent off to the State EngineerŐs office.


Tom reported that there were 2 leaks in the system; one at Dick HeathŐs cabin and one at a street valve near the #3 well house.  These were repaired by Randy Terrazas.


Tom reported that the gallery was open and producing 3 to 5 gallons per minute.


Tom changed out the chlorine injector in the #3 well house.  The filters were cleaned but not much mud in them.  July 12th chlorine test passed but with high residual (heavy on the chlorine).  DPC Industries said chlorine was going up two cents (2˘) per gallon.


Tom reported that we received the water certificate for Anthony Moya.


Tom reported that there were several delinquent accounts.  Tom said he would make sure that these members were informed that they were delinquent.


Tom reported that Ray Barron from the Property Owners Association wanted to tie into our electrical at the #3 well house for a pond aerator that would be installed to keep the PH level up at the pond as well as keep it from freezing over in the winter.  This would insure a backup water supply for the fire department.  Electrical costs would be nominal ($5.00 per month average).  Ray Leverich moved to allow the UPBPOA to hook into our breaker box at the #3 well house.  Ron Stafford seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom reported receiving two e-mails from NM One Call – Ray Barron trenching to the pond and Keith Freeland work at the gravel pit down below.


Tom reported that T.J. AllardŐs mother had purchased Earl & Mary Ellen MorrisŐ property.  The property in front (south) of TomŐs may have been sold.  Discussions followed.


Ron Stafford presented a letter from Irv Lindemuth.  Discussions followed.


Kevin reported that the county is considering assessing a lodgerŐs tax on property that is being rented on a daily basis.


One of Mr. LindemuthŐs requests was for a complete list of commercial property owners.  At issue with that request is the privacy act.  In this age of identity theft, we are not sure that the property owners want their names and other information released.  Discussions followed.  Discussion was also held on rate classifications and charges.


Tom reported that we need an electrical component on the #3 well house pump setup.


Ray reported on the Rural Water AssociationŐs mini conference coming up in Angel Fire.  Also the enthusiasm with the Regional Collaboration (groups of Water Co-Ops banding together to sort out and resolve problems) seems to be waning.  Discussions followed.


Tom reported that he had read the water usage meters at the well houses and the tanks.


Following was a tour of the tanks, well houses and gallery by the board members.  Discussions ensued.


John Hoffman moved to adjourn at 11:55 a.m.


Thanks to Tom and Barbara for the meeting place and the refreshments.


Next meeting is at the Stafford cabin in the Brazos on 9/11/05 at 9:00 a.m.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted



                                                                                    John Cudek
