Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2005



The regularly scheduled meeting of the Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, Inc., was called to order by President Tom McWilliams at 9:10 a.m. at the Brazos cabin of Ron and Carolyn Stafford.


Members present:  Tom McWilliams, John Cudek, Kevin Chafins, John Hoffman, Ron Stafford, Ray Leverich and David Sainz.

Members absent:  Bob Diefenbaugh and Mike Valdez


The August Minutes were read by Secretary John Cudek.  Two corrections: 

Page 1, paragraph  11  reads ÒTom reported that we received the water certificate for Anthony MoyaÓ  should read  ÒTom reported that we received the old water certificate for Anthony MoyaÓ.

Page 2, paragraph  2 reads ÒÉÉpond and Keith Freeland work at the gravel pit down below.Ó  Should read  ÒÉpond and Keith Freelin work at his cabin in the Brazos

Ray Leverich moved to accept the Minutes as corrected.  David Sainz seconded.  Motion carried.


The August TreasurerÕs Report was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  David Sainz moved to accept the report.  Ray Leverich seconded.  Motion carried.


The Accounts Payable list was read by Treasurer John Cudek.  Ray Leverich moved to pay all bills.  Kevin Chafins seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom reported on the following subjects:

Discussions followed.


Tom asked Ron Stafford to set up a work schedule for reading meters – possibly in October.  Tom reported purchasing a new circuit breaker for the pond aerator.


Tom reported that there were six delinquent accounts.  Discussions followed.  John Hoffman moved to send a letter to delinquent accounts stating that if account is not brought current by the next meeting (October 6, 2005) their meter will be locked off.  October 6th is the Thursday before the next meeting on October 9th.  A late fee would be included.  There was no second to HoffmanÕs motion.  Ron Stafford moved to amend JohnÕs motion to read ÒA registered letter will be sent to all delinquent accounts with attached $50.00 late fee as well as reference to page and paragraph of the rules regulations.  Also delinquents will be given to October 30, 2005 to become current or their meters will be locked off.   There was a vote to amend the original motion.  The vote was 7 for zero against.  Carried.  A second vote was taken to approve the original motion by John Hoffman.  Motion carried.


David Sainz reported on discussions with two attorneys about the Brazos MDWCA, Inc.  Discussions followed.  David Sainz moved that the Board approve allocating funds up to $1,000.00 for attorney consultation.  Kevin Chafins seconded.  Motion carried.


Tom reported talking with Mary Smith of the Attorney GeneralÕs office in Albuquerque regarding privacy issues and the Freedom of Information Act.  The suite filed in Rio Arriba County by Irv Lindemuth was presented.  It was a demand that we comply with the ÒPublic Records ActÓ.  Discussions followed.  David Sainz moved that we inform Irv Lindemuth about those actions the Board of Directors is taking for his request for data.  Kevin Chafins seconded.  The vote was 6 yeas and 1 abstention.  Discussions followed.


Further discussions followed about changing the monthly summer schedule to something other than the 2nd Sunday of the month.  Also discussion on changing the annual meeting location to the Brazos.


Ray Leverich spoke on Regional Collaboration and where the movement is going.  Ray reported that he was going to the Rural Water Training Seminar in Sacramento, CA.  He requested $200.00 to help defer his expenses.  John Hoffman moved that the Board authorize RayÕs request for $200.00.  David Sainz seconded.  Motion carried.


Ron Stafford reported that he finally received his certificate transfer from his parentÕs property.  It wasnÕt exactly correct but will be corrected soon, he was sure.


There being no further business Kevin Chafins moved to adjourn at 11:20 a.m.


Next meeting at the Hoffman cabin, Sunday October 9, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.  Thanks to Ron and Carolyn for the great breakfast and the use of their home for this meeting.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        John Cudek
