


June 22, 2008 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 am


Directors Present:          Mike Valdez

                                                   Tom Petersen

                                                   Rex Sewell

                                                   TJ Allard

                                                   Deej Banister

                                                   Ron Stafford

                                                   Rubel Martinez


Directors Absent:           Irv Lindemuth


Minutes of the April 20, 2008 meeting were read.  Ron Stafford moved to accept the minutes.  Rex Sewell seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


Nomination of Officers:

Nominations were taken for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Ron Stafford made a motion to nominate Tom Petersen, President; Mike Valdez, Vice President; Rubel Martinez, Treasurer; Deej Banister, Secretary.  Rex Sewell seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


NOTE:  Bob Kinsey resigned from the Board.  He and his wife will be moving to California to be with family as soon as their cabin sells.  Charlie Lawrence, a nominee on the ballot at the May General Meeting, will be contacted to take his place.


TreasurerÕs report:

Rubel Martinez indicated that normal monthly billings had been paid.  No information re bank balances and Smith Barney is available passed the annual meeting.  (Rubel has been on travel.)  Rubel will present a synopsis of the budget and an Aging Report at the July meeting.


It was determined that the best indicator for assessing the delinquent payments is to use the postmark date.  If payment were mailed after June 1, a $50.00 late fee will be assessed.

Rules and Regulations state that payments are due June 1.



A letter was received from John Hoffman re payoff of his assessment on his property at the corner of Aspen and Spruce Lane.  John indicated that his last assessment payment should be without interest.  The Board reviewed his calculations and determined that action needed to be tabled until a correct assessment payoff could be determined.


Deej Banister is to check with Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, as to amount due from Hoffman.  Also, Deej will draft a letter to John Hoffman for edification and signature by the President, Tom Petersen, explaining the Boards decision.


Ron Stafford and Deej Banister will spot-check membership files prior to the July Board meeting to aid in the reconciliation and determination of Assessment Maturation not only for Hoffman, but for the entire membership.



David Sainz requested that late fees for his 2008 water fees be waived because of his absence from his home and unavailable access to his mail.  This request was denied.  The Board feels that David Sainz was aware of his upcoming water fees.  The Rules and Regulations clearly state when invoices will be mailed, payments will be due, and late fees will be charged.  The Board cannot make special allowances unless they or an organization with whom they conduct business has erred in some way.


David requested that the non-user billing of $500.00 for previous years be waived for the Brazos Site property.  This request was denied.  The Board made special compensation regarding all of his properties in the past and issued an extended payment schedule over a period of 3 years, as well as waived all past late fees attached to these properties.  (This was based on DavidÕs indication that the Board had erred and that he had not been billed for six years.)  Because of this previous extension of fees the Board decided that a waiver for the non-user fees on Brazos Lodge Site was not valid.


Deej Banister made a motion to not waive the late fees for this year and the non-user fee of $500.00 on Brazos Lodge Site for previous years; TJ Allard seconded the motion; the motion unanimously carried.  Deej Banister is to draft a letter to David Sainz for edification and signature by the President, Tom Petersen.  The letter will be sent to David Sainz by certified mail.  DavidÕs email request for special consideration is attached to these minutes.


Maintenance Issues:

The repair issues for Marlman, Praiswater, and Berryman were discussed.  Since their water leak issues have continued for over a year and repairs have not been completed, the Board determined that a Òshut-offÓ letter is applicable to these individuals.  If repairs are not made by July 30, the Board will lock off water privileges.  Deej Banister is to draft a letter to each individual for edification and signature of the President, Tom Petersen.


The Curtis/Boegland cabin leak has been repaired.


Lowery Kinzer, #11 Aspen Lane, had water locked out due to a severe leak at the stop and waste.  A letter was sent to Kinzer regarding the water problem and the repair need.  He was notified that no water would be available until the repair was made.





New Well:

The location for the drilling of the well has been determined.  It will be located east of the Well #1 well house.  Ron received a permit from the State EngineerÕs office last Friday.  It was suggested that we get an application for an experimental test well so we can continue drilling if we do not find water at this site.  Also, with this application we would be able to immediately cap and tie-in once water is located.  Kent Malmquist, Water Master, Chama, will be handling permits, ad requirements, etc.  A senior hydro geologist out of Albuquerque is writing the environmental assessment.  Once the assessment is completed, bids for a driller will be requisitioned.  We stipulated that we would like 50 gallons a minute continuous, if possible.



TJ Allard is continuing to pursue telephone contact numbers for property owners in the Brazos and surrounding areas.  They will be compiled into a central database for fire emergency issues.  Catherine Praiswater has agreed to maintain the database through the VFD.


Ron Stafford will finalize hydrant location information for VFD.  There is a need to know which hydrants the VFD installed, which hydrants are for flushing the water system; and which are for fire use.  TJ is concerned re repair and maintenance needs.  TJ indicated that Mike Cousins would coordinate with Levi Sandoval for hydrant flushing maneuvers.


It is felt that this may not be the best time to flush the water system.  Apparently previously scheduled times with Levi Sandoval were not met, and it is now too late due to summer weather and lack of water level.  It should probably be postponed until next spring.


Other Information:

Corkins treatment facility will be placed approximately 200 feet from our Well #1.  Ron Stafford sent an email letter to Tom Melk concerning the flocculation, filtration, and chemical treatment of this facility.  Also, he questioned if the structure will be located above or below ground and asked for info on the associated noise levels and odor controls, etc.  He has yet to have a response from Melk.


TJ Allard brought up a concern for a membership fee from the UBPOA to the BMDWCA for property they use at the middle tank.  He feels we should have a direct swap since we also use property that the UBPOA owns and pay an identical fee.  He feels a Òmemo of understandingÓ would best handle this situation.  TJ is to check with Gretchen to see if this form of documentation is a legal accounting method for this type of usage and with Mona Hays, passed Treasurer of the UBPOA, for past history.  Since payment method is in question and being discussed, all late fees to the UBPOA will be waived.  It was determined that this is probably a decision for next year.  It was tabled for a later meeting.


A summer dinner for the Board and families was set for, Saturday, July 19, 2008, at The Cliff View Restaurant.  Tom Petersen will follow through with scheduling and draft a memo.


Permission was granted to Deej Banister to transfer some of the ÒoldÓ documents currently located in the Board files into Banker Boxes.  This will open up needed space for current documents.  Rubel Martinez is to check into the cost of scanning info from past years for a more permanent and safe record keeping procedure.


Tom Petersen will obtain keys, credit card, and metal detector from David Sainz.


Signature authority needs to be changed.  Names to be added are Mike Valdez, Rubel Martinez, Deej Banister, and Tom Petersen.  Deej will obtain the form from The Community Bank.


Ron Stafford motioned that meeting adjourn at 10:25 am.  Rex Sewell seconded, and it unanimously carried.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
