


July 20, 2008 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:07 a.m. at Rex SewellŐs cabin.


Directors Present:          Mike Valdez

                                                   Tom Petersen

                                                   Rex Sewell

                                                   TJ Allard

                                                   Deej Banister

                                                   Ron Stafford

                                                   Rubel Martinez

                                                   Charlie Lawrence

                                                   Irv Lindemuth


Minutes of the June 22, 2008 meeting were read.  Ron Stafford asked that an amendment be made to the minutes.  Under Other Information, instead of Corkins treatment facility will be placed.200 feet from our Well #1--it should read, Corkins drain field will be placed 200 feet from our Well #1.  TJ Allard made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Mile Valdez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Nomination of Officer:

Mike Valdez made a motion to elect Charlie Lawrence as a director to replace Bob Kinsey who is moving from the Brazos.  Rex Sewell seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs report:

Rubel Martinez indicated that normal monthly billings had been paid, approximately $800.00.  The balance in the Community Bank checking account for the end of June was $81,531.50.  The Smith Barney accounts for period of 4/1-6/30/08 were $7,086.15 and $54,294.43.  Currently the Smith Barney accounts are in reserve to pay for the new well.  The loans are paid from the regular checking account.


Maturation Date for Assessments:

Ron Stafford and Deej Banister spot-checked membership files, accounting records, and deposit records to determine the Assessment Maturation date.  An April 30, 1990 membership assessment letter and maturation chart has been located.  They show that the Assessment began in April 1990 and will end in 2009.  Mike Valdez made a motion to accept 2009 as the year the Assessment ends for those who have regularly submitted their yearly assessments.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.





John Hoffman Assessment Payoff:

Rubel Martinez made a motion to accept John HoffmanŐs assessment payoff with no interest based on the 1990 assessment letter and maturation schedule.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Transfer of Memberships:

Lawrence and Virginia Imprescia have requested a membership transfer for property purchased form Koski.  They have submitted an application, copy of their deed, and submitted a $50.00 transfer fee.  TJ Allard made to motion to accept the ImpresciaŐs into membership.  Ron Stafford seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.



Gilbert Romero asked that his late fee be waived.  His documentation shows that he made an earnest effort to pay his bill on time.  His bank issued a check for the incorrect amount.  He did not realize this error until he received an invoice for a late fee.  His payment was made in Good Faith.  Ron Stafford made a motion to waive the late fee for Mr. Romero.  Rubel Martinez seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


It was decided that next year, 2009, the UBPOA and the BMDWCA will create a Ňmemo of understandingÓ for the properties that they use in the Brazos Lodge Estates rather than exchanging membership fees.


Discussion for non-user memberships, aging membership fees and membership penalties was tabled to the next meeting.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

The repair issues for Marlman and Praiswater have been corrected.  BerrymanŐs installation of a stop and waste has not been completed.  If BerrymanŐs installation is not complete by the end of the July 30 a notice will be posted.  The water will be locked off--it will not be turned on until he makes the appropriate installations.  Ron Stafford will write a letter to Mr. Berryman outlining the cut off procedures and resulting fine if installation is not complete.


Mike Valdez to check with Terrazas Utilities to see when they can repair the PRV valve at the intersection of Falls Creek Road and Aspen Lane, as well as replace a water can at BerrymanŐs and install a water can at Charlie Lawrences.


Using a leak detection company to find the water line leaks in our system was discussed.  Such a company can detect both small and large leaks.  The total cost is approximately $2,500.00 for the entire Brazos Estates.  TJ Allard made a motion to bring such a company into the area to begin the process of identification.  Rubel Martinez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.  Irv Lindemuth is to check with a leak detection organization to see when they could come into the Brazos to begin surveying for water line leaks.


New Well:

Ron Stafford has received the ŇoriginalÓ permit to drill the well.  The cost was $5.00.  The Bureau of Reclamation Stipulation document as been send to Washington for review.  When it is returned, bids will go out for well drillers.  Drilling should begin late August or early September.  Levi feels 750 feet is low enough.  To go lower would affect purity of the water.



TJ Allard is continuing to acquire telephone contact numbers for property owners in the Brazos and surrounding areas.


Other Information:


A fall dinner planning for the Board and families was tabled until a later meeting.


Names for the BMDWCA facilities were tabled until a later meeting.


Rubel Martinez to check on cost to microfiche Association records.


Mike Valdez will check with Clint Payne re position of treatment facility at Corkins Lodge.


Mike Valdez will check with Kevin Chafin re stop and waster equipment.


Ron Stafford will report on Assessment Aging Report to Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper.


Irv Lindemuth and Ron Stafford will continue to pursue scheduling for leak detection of water lines.


Tom Petersen will obtain keys, credit card, and metal detector from David Sainz.


Rubel Martinez motioned that meeting adjourn at 10:53 a.m.  Rex Sewell seconded.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
