October 10, 2010 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at Tom PetersenÕs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:          Tom Petersen

                                                   Ron Stafford

Deej Banister

Mike Valdez

Irv Lindemuth


Minutes of the August 29, 2010 meeting were tabled until the next meeting.


TreasurerÕs report was tabled until the next meeting.



The following transfer membership was received:

Dennis and Teri Fahs, Fahs Family Living Trust, Unit 1, Lots 8 and 9, Block 8, Brazos Lodge Estates.  Ron Stafford made a motion to accept the Fahs membership transfer.  Mike Valdez seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.



Deej Banister presented a memo from Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, regarding collection agency fees.  After review of current delinquencies and collection agency options, Irv Lindemuth made a motion to go with Option 2 to pay a $700.00 fee to cover a 24-month period that would allow the BMDWCA, Inc., 100% of all fees recovered; also, in this motion all delinquent members who are sent to collections will have a $100.00 collection fee added to their delinquent fees.  Ron Stafford seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


Deej Banister is to contact Gretchen asking her to notify delinquent members of the BoardÕs decision.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Ron Stafford detailed the following for the completion of Phase 1 infrastructure maintenance and line replacement (beginning with Upper Falls Creek Road):

1.       New pressure release valves and shut-off valves were installed.

2.       The line to Gallegos cabin was replaced.

3.       Two water cans were installed at Lawrence and Sewell cabins.

4.       A tie-in was made to fire hydrant at Thurston cabin.

5.       The old galvanized line from upper ÒYÓ to Well #3 was disconnected and abandoned.

6.       The Aspen ÒYÓ pressure release valve was connected to a 2Ó line—it was brought into the 6Ó line.

7.       The water can for E. Casias was relocated to his property.

8.       The stop and waste valve for Jones was replaced.

9.       The old line on Beaver was disconnected and abandoned.

10.   The galvanized line to Well #1 on Spruce was determined to be a supply line.  Work on this line will be looked at next year.

11.   600 ft. of new line was replaced on Falls Creek Rd. rather than 500 ft. as was estimated.


Road repair resulting from the construction on upper Falls Creek Road has been completed.


The total cost for the installation and maintenance is from $32000.00 to $33,000.00.  Documentation of the new Òas-builtÓ is currently on file.  Copies will be made for distribution to Board members.



Well house signs and meter tags were tabled until the next meeting.


Transfer of accounts was tabled until the next meeting.


Discussion was held on the VFD request to connect a 12 ft. fill-pipe to the water tank above Well #3, Dr 1759/Water Line Rd.  Ron Stafford indicated that the design for the structure has been sent to Randy Terrazas for a cost estimate.  VFD will pay all expenses.


The next general meeting will be held November 14, 2010 at Ron StaffordÕs cabin at 8:00 a.m.


The meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
