October 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:25 a.m. at the Mike Valdez cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:    Mike Valdez

Rubel Martinez

Clay Kilmer

Ron Stafford

Deej Banister


Minutes of September 16, 2012:

Ron Stafford made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted.  Mike Valdez seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented the month-end financial report:


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:


Community Bank checking as of September 30, 2012:                              $  22,266.29


                              Fidelity cash as of September 30, 2012                                                            $    9,189.92


JASBX as of September 30, 2012:                                                                    $103,685.48


Financial Audit:

Rubel has not received a reply from Frank Valdez of the State audit section regarding the schedule for future financial audits—every year, every two (2) years, etc. Rubel will contact the State agency again for clarification.



The following memberships were accepted:

1.      Bruce and Alice Davis, Track 4, Unit 1, BLE, purchased from Allard

2.      Robert and Cynthia Mueller, NU, Lot 3, Blk 4, Unit 1, BLE, purchased from Hines

3.      Robert and Cynthia Mueller, Lot 4, Blk 4, Unit 1, BLE, purchased from Hines


Water Fee Issues:

Ron Stafford is to lock-out the following members for non-payment of water fees:

       Laurel Baker


Clay Kilmer is to correspond with John Holtry regarding his request to clarify amount(s) due for water fees on his properties.  Mr. Holtry claims payment of late fee for Lot 29, 30, and 31, Blk 2, Unit 1, BLE has been paid—it has not.  This residency is currently being occupied by Paul Shultz.  The water payment for this property of $451.50 was received from Mr. Shultz.  However, it was paid after the due date, and a late fee incurred.  The late fee has not been paid.  Mr. Holtry wishes to change his previous request to have the water billings sent to him in care of Mr. Shultz and has requested that all future billings be sent directly to him—so noted.  The other water fees on properties owned by Mr. Holtry are current.  The consensus of the Board is that there is confusion by the owner as to which property is delinquent.


Non-User Fees:

The motion made at the September 21 meeting to increase the Non-User revenue was discussed.  It was decided to eliminate the previous motion.  It was replaced with the following:  A motion was made my Ron Stafford to do an appropriate analysis for the next budget cycle that will have alternative recommendations of fees for user and non-user for Board consideration, any decision by the Board will be presented to the general membership for their consideration.  Mike Valdez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Water Rights Adjudication:

Water Rights information is being researched—approximately 30% complete.  Further discussion is tabled until more information is made available.  Clay Kilmer will continue to follow-up on progress.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Repair of the concrete base of the water tank used as a gravity fill by the VFD has been tabled until spring. Mike Valdez will check with Randy Terrazas for his input on how this repair can be accomplished.



Ron Stafford shared information gathered from the Rural Water Association meeting he attended in Las Cruces.


Ron Stafford made a motion to appoint Mike Doyle as a BMDWCA Director to replace Rex Sewell (term expires in 2013).  Clay Kilmer seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. at the Martinez cabin.


The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Deej Banister
