October 9, 2011 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:12 a.m. at Ron StaffordŐs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:          Rubel Martinez

Paul Walenciak

Irv Lindemuth

Deej Banister

Ron Stafford


Minutes of September 11, 2011 were read:

Rubel Martinez made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Ron Stafford seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented month-end financial report:


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:

Community Bank checking/savings (bank statement):                               $  18,725.04


                                  Fidelity checking (bank statement):                                                                                   $105,358.37


                                  The monthly earnings for Fidelity JASBX are consistent with

previous months, approximately $100.00.



Last week an audit was performed on our wells by the State Environmental Department.  Levi Sandoval and Ron Stafford were consulted.  The auditors examined where our samples are obtained and our sampling records.  The auditors informed the BMDCWA that a new sampling program must be written for our system.  Levi will be responsible for this updating.  Also, we were informed that the State is accepting the controls we have in place for Uranium testing.



There are no membership transfers at this time.



The following members have made arrangements with the BOD regarding payment of delinquent water fees:

                 Laurel Baker, paid in full.


Padilla/Andrews has made final payment arrangements; lien is pending until payment is received.


Robinson is making payments through collections; lien is pending until final payment is made.


Sainz has made no attempt to bring payments current.  Numerous letters have been written to Sainz that were returned as non deliverable.  Email and telephone contacts were not successful.  Sainz has been invited to attend several BOD meetings to discuss concerns, but has never shown.  A lien for nonpayment of water fees will be filed on his property next week.


Ron Stafford will contact the following members to explain the BMDWCA policies for lockout procedures and collections.

Anthony Moya, Sr.



Collection Agency:

Irv Lindemuth indicated that the BOD will be receiving a letter from the collection agency regarding Ňclose-outÓ procedures.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

A leak(s) repair has been scheduled (by owner) at BakerŐs cabin.  BakerŐs cabin is locked out until the repair(s) are made.


Mona Hays may be locked out for repair and/or relocation of the stop and waste valve.  Ron Stafford is to contact the HaysŐ realtor, Carolyn Schultz, of the BOD decision.


Levi Sandoval presented the BOD with a copy of his $1,000,000.00 personal insurance policy.


Fire Hydrants:

Information has been received from the State Environmental Department and the New Mexico Rural Water Association indicating the need for flush hydrants at all dead-end lines.  Deej Banister made a motion that flush hydrants be installed through the coordination of Levi Sandoval at all dead-end locations within the next year.  Rubel Martinez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Ron Stafford and Paul Walenciak will locate line ends.


VFD Gravity Fill:

No installation information is available for this meeting regarding the current proposal for the VFD gravity fill at the water tank across from Well #3.  The BOD expressed their concerns to have this project completed before the winter-cold months.



Ron Stafford will follow-through with contacting Shinnick, UBPOA, regarding the installation of an independent breaker for the pond aerator at Well #3.There have been three additional outages since initial contact with the homeowner association regarding this concern.  Work needs to be completed or the aerator will be turned off by the BMDWCA.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 20, 2011 at 8:00 a.m.  Location TBA.


The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
