November 14, 2010 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:07 a.m. at Ron StaffordŐs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:          Tom Petersen

                                                   Ron Stafford

Deej Banister

Rubel Martinez

Rex Sewell


Minutes of August 29, 2010 and October 10, 2010 meetings were read.  Rubel Martinez made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Rex Sewell seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented the TreasurerŐs report.


Bills are current.


The balance in the Community Bank (CB) checking account as of 10/31/10 was $55,782.07.


Rubel Martinez presented two available options for transferring our Smith Barney (SB) accounts (currently invested in class A loaded fund, earning .06%--fee charged) to Fidelity:

1.       Option One:

a.        CDs at .25% return (We would have to invest in a 1 year CD to receive a 1.0% return.)

2.       Option Two:

a.        Janus short-term T fund (JASBX), load adjusted returns:

                                                                                           i.       4.70% for one year

                                                                                          ii.       6.05% for three years

                                                                                        iii.       5.39% for five years

                                                                                        iv.        4.61% for ten years


Discussion followed.


Rex Sewell made a motion to move SB accounts to a Fidelity Janus account pending access without penalty, to leave a minimal amount of money in the CB checking account, and transfer remaining balance to a Fidelity money market.  Ron Stafford seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


Rubel Martinez will create the Fidelity accounts if there are no penalties for access.  Approximately $62,000.00 will be transferred from SB to a Janus account, approximately $45,000.00 transferred from the CB to a Fidelity Money Market account, and approximately $10,000.00 will remain in CB checking.


The money market account will be used as the BMDWCA, Inc. checking account.




The following transfer membership was received:

Laurel Carrier and Thomas Feilmeier, Tract 3-A, BLE, U3

Richard and Joleen Montoya, Lot 3, Block 5, BLE, U1

Scott and Patricia Eliason, Tract 1, U1, BLE, Lot C-9


Ron Stafford made a motion to accept these transfer applicants into membership.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.



Delinquent water fees have been submitted to a collection agency:

Phase 1 (runs 6 to 8 weeks) yields 100% of what is collected.

Phase 2 yields 50% of what is collected.

The BMDWCA contract with the agency runs for 24 months.  As accounts become delinquent as outlined in our R/Rs, they will be sent to collections.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Well maintenance is currently in good shape.


Ron Stafford is to contact Levi Sandoval regarding the need to cleanout water tanks. If necessary, this will be scheduled in next yearŐs maintenance.  Tanks are cleaned approximately every eight years.


Fire Hydrants:

Hydrant maintenance/installation for DR 1759 across from CliffView and Spruce Lane has been referred to the VFD.  Ron Stafford contacted Call-One to locate telephone lines.  Material and labor costs will be paid by the VFD.



Michelle Escobar, Realtor, requested a copy of the BMDWCAŐs email list.  Discussion followed.  The Board has had other requests for this email list from other organizations and distribution has not been made—often members have requested that their telephone numbers and email addresses not be released or published.  Deej Banister made a motion to not distribute email addresses to organizations/agents at this time.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Discussion was held regarding the PondŐs muddy conditions and electrical costs.  Tom Petersen is to write a letter to Roger Shinnik, President, Home Owners Association, listing our life-safety issues, etc.


Payments for well house signs have been submitted.


The meeting adjourned at 9:12 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
