Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Assoc., Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes


April 11, 2009



Meeting was held at Tom PetersenŐs cabin in Brazos


Board Members Present:

Tom Petersen - President

Mike Valdez - Vice President

T.J. Allard - Director

Charlie Lawrence - Director


Charlie Lawrence acted as secretary in Deej Banister's absence.



Meeting was called to order at 4:13 p.m.  A copy of the March 15, 2009 minutes was reviewed and accepted by the Board as written.


TreasurerŐs Report:

1.       A TreasurerŐs report was not presented.  Information will be available to the membership regarding financial outlook through the annual meeting and newsletter.


Action Items tabled from March 15 meeting:

1.       Ron Stafford to consult with Levi Sandoval about flushing the Gallery filter (sand/gravel) with air or water.

2.       Ron Stafford to consult with Levi Sandoval about a maintenance schedule, such as flushing, cleaning tanks, filters, altitude valve, etc.

3.       Rubel Martinez will get an annual profit/loss statement from Gretchen Denman for the dates April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. FY-08

4.       Mrs. AllardŐs non-user membership—Deej Banister/Ron Stafford to search files for letters and old meeting notes to help resolve this issue.  (T.J. Allard would abstain from voting on this issue due to a conflict of interest.)

5.       Ron Stafford to contact USGS about when and what kind of 220 outlet to provide service for new well testing.


Membership Actions:

Tom Petersen wrote two letters for non-payment of water bills—Moya and Martinez (Baker).  The Board reviewed and agreed that the letters would be sent out.  Tom felt the resolution of non-payment would be resolved in a short period of time; however, if there is continued non-payment, other actions will be considered.


It was reported that this yearŐs Board has done a fine job in keeping the delinquencies to a minimum.


There are no transfer(s) of membership at this time.


Annual Meeting:

The annual membership meeting was discussed.  Tom Petersen will be working on the annual letter and slides.  T.J. Allard felt it would be important to have a Board meeting prior to the annual meeting.  T.J. Allard felt the fire station would be completed and the meeting could be held there.  T. J. will arrange to have a screen projector available.


Ballots will be sent out with the newsletter.





Possible items to be covered in the annual newsletter are:

1.       Hydrant testing

2.       Election of BOD

3.       Water conservation (the impact of washing cars, watering lawns, concerns of limited water during dry years, conservation of water usage, water production issues, and update on new well)


Possible key items to cover at the annual meeting are:

1.       Issues contained in the newsletter

2.       Members running for the BOD

3.       T.J. Allard will not be running this year due to his commitment and work schedule with the volunteer fire department

4.       Water will not be turned on at night due to pipe breakage and safety issues

5.       New law requiring rural water board associations to have an audit

6.       Update on finances and loans

7.       Nonpayment of water bills


New Well:

It was reported that Ron Stafford would be in contact with the well drilling company to review the exact date the drilling will take place.  Charlie Lawrence recommended that the Board confirm the date the drilling is to be done before the end of the permit requirement in July.


It was recommended to have a working day on May 17 after the Board meeting to clean up the drilling site.



The Website is up and running.


Tom Petersen will not be available for several weeks due to work obligations.  Mike Valdez will be available to address all Board business in his absence.


Meeting adjourned at 5:42 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Charlie Lawrence, Acting Secretary