April 25, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was brought to order at 8:15 a.m. at Charlie
LawrenceÕs cabin, Brazos
Directors Present: Tom Petersen
Rex Sewell
Rubel Martinez
Charlie Lawrence
Deej Banister
Minutes of the February 21, 2010 meeting: The minutes were read. Rebel
Martinez moved to accept the minutes as read. Charlie Lawrence seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
TreasurerÕs report:
Rubel Martinez presented the TreasurerÕs Report.
Bills are current.
The Community Bank balance as of yearend is $49,319.40.
The BMDWCA received IRS tax forms that were sent to John Hoffman requesting previous yearsÕ tax info. It appears that the IRS has two names on file for the BMDCWA. Rubel Martinez will check with the IRS to clarify that our name change has been made and as the BMDWCA, we are not in arrears.
Rubel received the Non Profit Corporate Taxing Report for 2009. Deej Banister will follow-through with form completion, names and addresses for all Directors, and submit the filing fee of $10.00 with the report. Report is due by May 15, 2010.
The State has mandated an audit. We are considered a Tier 4 organization—based on income. We will need to hire our own auditor (IPA). Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, indicated that she felt it would not take place until 2011 for 2010 since our fiscal year ends March 31. Rubel Martinez is to contact our accountant, Nick Loftis, for a recommendation of an auditor. Rubel will also check with the State to see if this will be done this year or in 2011.
Interest earned on Smith Barney for this past year was discussed. Changing over to another organization will be discussed further at our next regular scheduled meeting. We did not earn interest money last year. Our $54,000.00 account lost $.41 and the $7,000.00 account lost $65.80.
Discussion for transfer of property for Lambson and Coombs was discussed. Rubel Martinez and Deej Banister will follow-up on documentation received. Transfer will be processed at next meeting contingent on accuracy of documentation.
Deej presented the Kenneth and Amy BaggertÕs application and fee for transfer of membership on Lots 14 and 15, B2, U1, BLE. This is #1 Rainbow Lane. It was purchased from the Braybrook Estate. Rubel made a motion to accept the BaggertÕs into membership. Rex Sewell seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
Discussion on water fee delinquencies was tabled until after June 1 and current billings have been received.
The State is
requiring that all rural water Board members within New Mexico take a class in
Board Responsibilities and The Sanitary Actions Act
This is a
twelve hour course. The training
can take place in the Brazos.
Charlie Lawrence made a motion to try and have the training class scheduled
for Saturday, the third weekend in June.
Deej Banister seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously carried.
Rex Sewell has just completed this course in Albuquerque. He shared documentation and information
gathered at the class and explained in detail all areas covered. Tom Petersen will make contact with the
StateÕs instructor, Sue Sleeper, to set up the training. We might be able to consolidate our
training with other water organizations in the area. Tom Petersen will duplicate info received from Rex to
distribute to all Board members.
Rules and Regulations/By-laws:
Changes to
the Rules and Regulation/By-laws regarding delinquent accounts and collections
methods were discussed. Further
discussion is tabled until more Directors are in attendance.
The frozen waterline on upper Falls Creek Road was discussed. Repair of the line has been completed; however, because of run off the road is now in dire need of a fix where the road was dug up for the line repair. The Board feels a temporary repair needs to be done as soon as possible to allow safe travel for members, emergency vehicles, service vehicles, etc.—even though we may do additional line repair later in the year. Ron Stafford is to contact Levi Sandoval and Terrazos Utilities to have the situation corrected as soon as possible.
New Well:
Pump for the new well was discussed. Statistical sheets from Levi Sandoval re pump size, etc. were reviewed. It was determined that we may need a smaller (1½ hp) pump to replace a 3 hp pump—the elevation of the upper tank is causing problems for the switch—causing pump to work to fast and drawing down the water level of the well leading to turbidity problems, etc. A lengthy discussion followed. Deej Banister made a motion that Levi Sandoval should proceed with any necessary procurement and installation as soon as possible. Rex Sewell seconded. The motion unanimously carried. Ron Stafford is to inform Levi Sandoval of the BoardÕs decision.
Annual Meeting:
A new Projected Budget was reviewed for presentation at the Annual Meeting. The content for the Annual letter and ballot was also reviewed and discussed. Charlie Lawrence is responsible for door prizes and refreshments for Annual meeting. We have tickets somewhere—Deej and Tom will check storage.
The March 21 meeting was not held. There were not enough directors in attendance to form a quorum. Agenda items for that meeting were carried over until the April 25, 2010 meeting.
Tom Petersen suggested that we prepare a ŌjobĶ description for Gretchen Denman outlining the responsibilities of the bookkeeper in conjunction with the operational duties of the BMDWCA—delinquencies, billings, etc. We have a contract with the water operator outlining his duties. Should we have a descriptive outline of job procedures for the bookkeeper? Rex Sewell suggested that we contact Gretchen and get her input on what she feels her responsibility is as our bookkeeper. Deej will contact Gretchen to ask for clarification on job duties. We do not want to overload, but we do want to use her expertise. Discussion was tabled until a later meeting date.
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for Sunday, May 23, at 8:00 a.m. at Rex SewellÕs cabin.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for May 30, 2010, at 1:00 p.m. at the Brazos Volunteer Fire Station.
Charlie Lawrence made motion to adjourn at 11:55 a.m. Rex Sewell seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister