May 1, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was brought to order at 8:07.30 a.m. at Tom
PetersenÕs cabin, Brazos
Directors Present: Tom Petersen
Rubel Martinez
Mike Valdez
Charlie Lawrence
Rex Sewell
Deej Banister
Minutes of November 14, 2010 meetings were read. Charlie Lawrence made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Mike Valdez seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
TreasurerÕs Report:
Martinez presented the TreasurerÕs report.
Bills are
The transferring
of our banking accounts, Smith Barney (SB) and Community Bank (CB), to Fidelity
Bank has taken several months.
They are now set in place.
The balances in Fidelity as of 4/30/11 are:
Money Market (checking) $42,000.00
Corporate Account, JASBX Bond $20,000.00
The corporate account has no withdrawal penalty after the first ninety
(90) days. We have gained
approximately $100.00 a month on our JASBX Bond account since the transfer.
The balance CB checking account as of 3/31/11 was $27,925.50. We are currently waiting for checks
from Fidelity and a soon as they are received the balance in CB will be leveled
to $10,000.00. It will remain open
as a utility account to manage our sure pay for NORA, local business and water
fee deposits.
Loan #1 will
be paid off in 2012, which will release approximately $15,000.00 from our long-term
As of this
date, there are no new memberships/transfers.
was held regarding the court summons that the BMDWCA received from the PNC
Mortgage Company foreclosure on Lucy MoyaÕs property and
our property lien on said property.
Charlie Lawrence made a motion that Tom Petersen writes a letter explaining
the BOD reasons for filing a lien against the Lucy Moya property. This Letter with an attached delinquencies
invoice is to be sent to the PNC Mortgage lawyers and the Rio Arriba County Judicial
Court. Letters will be sent by certified
mail with return a receipt requested.
Rex Sewell seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously carried.
The removal
of Lucy MoyaÕs membership was discussed.
After a lengthy discussion, Deej Banister made a motion that Tom
Petersen writes a letter removing Lucy MoyaÕs water membership based on the
R/Rs and Bylaws of the BMDWCA. The
letter is to be sent certified mail with a return receipt requested. Also, a copy of this letter should be
sent to the PNC Mortgage Co. by certified mail with a return receipt requested.
Charlie Lawrence seconded the
motion. The motion unanimously
Banister is to obtain invoices for Sainz, Baker, and Robinson for membership
removal discussion at next meeting.
Annual Letter:
Tom Petersen
thanked the Board for their help in the preparation of the Annual Newsletter.
Annual Report:
Tom Petersen
will email Annual Report to Board for tweaking.
Costs and
replacement of infrastructure was deferred to Ron Stafford and Rubel Martinez
for our next meeting. Rubel
Martinez is to obtain a detailed report of expenses incurred for repairs, etc.
in 2010-2011.
Fire Hydrants:
Ron Stafford
and Mike Valdez are to report on fire hydrant installation at DR 1759 across
from Cliffview Restaurant and Spruce at the next meeting.
Cleaning Tanks:
Report on
the cleaning of tanks has been deferred to Ron Stafford until the next
meeting. Ron is to contact Levi
Sandoval for details tank conditions, findings, and completion.
A continued concern for the Pond regarding life-safety conditions and separate electrical breaker was discussed. Tom Petersen is to write a follow-up letter to Roger Shinnick, UBPOA, requesting an update on pond issues.
Charlie Lawrence is to obtain refreshments and door prizes for Annual Meeting.
Rex Sewell made a motion to adjourn. Mike Valdez seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:19 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister