May 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes



Meeting was brought to order at 8:04 a.m. at Tom PetersenŐs cabin.


Directors Present:          Mike Valdez

                                                   Tom Petersen

                                                   TJ Allard

                                                   Deej Banister

                                                   Rex Sewell

                                                   Rubel Martinez


Minutes of the April 11, 2009 meeting were read:  TJ Allard made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs report:

1.       Bills paid total $669.82, plus electrical draft.

2.       Checking account balance as of the end of April is $65,880.01.


Membership Action:

The Board received a user-membership transfer application with $50.00 fee and warranty deed from George Moore.  George Moore purchased property from Joe Roybal.  TJ Allard made a motion to accept membership transfer.  Mike Valdez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


It was noted that Ben Hanks erroneously received the user-membership billing for his grandfatherŐs property.  This billing should have been sent to Gale Hanks c/o Kenneth Hanks.  A late fee should not be assessed to Gale since it was a Board error.  Deej will contact Gretchen re the issue.


Martha AllardŐs Non-user Membership:

Deej Banister presented reconciliation of account findings regarding the nonexistence of a non-user membership for Mrs. Allard.  The reconciliation information was obtained from Mrs. AllardŐs membership folder, BMDWCA deposit sheets and documentation from previous owners.  (Ron Stafford and Deej completed this research.)


In May 2004, the Morris family requested that their non-user membership be terminated and paid the Assessment in full.  Mrs. Allard did not purchase property from Morris until July 2005.    The reconciliation proved that the Board erroneously issued a non-user certificate in May 2007 for a membership that had been terminated in 2004.  In 2007, Mrs. Allard began paying non-user water fees.  A refund for these erroneous charges is forthcoming from the Board for 2007, 2008 and 2009.


T.J. Allard would like a review of previous years minutes to see if there is a specific action relating to the Morris n on-user membership, as well as financial records to see if they reflect a continuance of payment for this membership for 2005.  Rubel and Deej will review the records and contact the bookkeeper prior to issuing a refund.  TJ, who is acting on behalf of his mother, Mrs. Allard, agrees with this if the financial records back this up.

Delinquencies and Actions:

Deej Banister noted that:

1.       Moya received the certified letter regarding water lockout.  She has not paid her bill—still in locked out.

2.       Baker has paid arrear fees and indicated that she would pay current bill in mid June.  Her water has been unlocked—her husband has indicated that he will be making leak repairs.

3.       Robinson has paid in full; however, water is still locked out due to severe leak problems.  It will be unlocked for repairs.


Other Issues:

The issuance of a Letter of Agreement between the UBPOA and the BMDWCA was revisited.  Deej Banister indicated that a lease agreement between the two parties exists.  Further discussion will continue at the next meeting.  Deej will present the lease agreement for review, she will also check to see if a certificate for said property exists.  Rubel will check with Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, to see if this type of agreement is feasible in lieu of a financial action.


Deej Banister presented a ballot that had been returned to the Secretary of the Board in the return envelope rather than the official ballot envelope.  She felt the Board should void the ballot.  TJ Allard made a motion to void the ballot since it was not received in the ballot envelope and opened prior to the General Meeting.  Mike Valdez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.  TJ also made a motion that any future ballots received in such a manner should be null and void.  Mike Valdez seconded.  Unanimously carried.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Deej Banister relayed a concern from Ron Stafford regarding appearance and condition of Well House #1.  Inspection of the well house structure and a property cleanup for the well-digging area will take place after the meeting this morning.  Feedback will continue at next meeting.


Ron Stafford will present new well info and needs at next meeting, as well as flushing gallery info from Levi Sandoval.


Annual Meeting Slides:

Annual Meeting slides were reviewed and critiqued.  Ron StaffordŐs projected budget was discussed for submission in the annual review, as well as Gretchen DenmanŐs year-end report.  The possible audit of the BMDCWA will be presented to the membership, as well as the cost for such.  At present time, it has not been included in our projected budget.


Rubel Martinez motioned that the meeting adjourn at 10:08 a.m.  Mike Valdez seconded.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
