May 23, 2010 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at Rex SewellÕs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:          Tom Petersen

                                                   Rex Sewell

                                                   Rubel Martinez

                                                   Charlie Lawrence

Deej Banister

Mike Valdez


Minutes of the April 25, 2010 meeting:  The minutes were read.  Rex Sewell moved to accept the minutes as read.  Charlie Lawrence seconded.  The minutes were unanimously approved.


TreasurerÕs report:

Rubel Martinez presented the TreasurerÕs Report.


Bills are current.


Smith Barney accounts were discussed.  SB charges a management fee.  The management fee is more than interest received on the accounts.  Should we change our accounts out of SB?—mutual funds or money market, etc.  Rubel Martinez is to check out the possibility of using Fidelity.  Charlie Lawrence proposed a committee to work on researching financial issues, stocks, etc.  Charlie Lawrence and Rubel Martinez were named to the Committee.  The Committee will have research completed by next meeting.


Discussion followed regarding the transfer of money from SB to cover payments from the general checking fund for well costs.  Tom Petersen indicated that we had three concerns:  1) Is transferring money the best way to have SB work for us?  2) How do we handle well expenses—draw down SB or absorb in checking?  3) Should we use money in SB to set up specific reserve accounts—such as well repair, etc.?  We also need to consider penalties that may apply if we withdraw SB—will they exceed any gain we might make?  Tom suggests that we review this issue this summer.


The State mandated audit will not take place until 2011.  Rubel Martinez checked with Nick Loftis, our accountant, regarding audit fees.  Nick estimated the cost at approximately $2,000.00.  He knows of two (2) auditors who could perform the service for us.


We have been notified by Nick Loftis, Accountant, that we have two (2) EIN numbers on file with the IRS.  After discussion, the Board determined that we need to retain the number assigned when we became BMDWCA, 85-0466214.  Written confirmation needs to be submitted to the IRS.



The Anthony L. Ponder application/fee for transfer of membership on Lots 4 and 11, Block 6, U1, BLE was submitted.  It was purchased from David Minneman.  Rubel Martinez made a motion to accept Ponder into membership.  Charlie Lawrence seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


The Kim and John Holtry application/fee for transfer of membership on Trailer Lot 1, U1, BLE was submitted.  It was purchased from George Moore.  Rex Sewell made a motion to accept Holtry into membership.  Mike Valdez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.

The Tom and Sherri Coombs membership transfer application on Lot AL-5, Aspen Lake Subdivision was submitted.  It was transferred from SherriÕs brother, Robert Lambson.  Charlie Lawrence made a motion to accept Coombs into membership.  Mike Valdez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.



Discussion on water fee delinquencies was tabled until after June –after 2010 billings have been received.



Tom Petersen contacted Sue Sleeper by email to set up a training date for the mandatory training.  Her response will be covered at the next meeting.  The 3rd Saturday in the month should be excluded as it interferes with firefighter training.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Construction/maintenance discussion was tabled until the June general meeting.  This will include gallery usage and cleaning of the water tanks.


New Well:

Discussion was tabled on the maintenance and use of the new well until the June general meeting.


Letter to HGS re pump for new well will be attached to these minutes for future reference.



Bob Diefenbaugh has been assigned as our contact person with the Fire Department.  Ron Stafford and Levi Sandoval will work with Diefenbaugh in flushing of hydrants.


The BOD has not received a 2010 billing invoice from The BPOA for fees.  Tom Petersen will follow-up on this issue.


The David and Yvonne Sainz request to waiver their non-user delinquent fees was discussed.  (This request had been tabled previously for review of documents, procedures, etc.)  After a lengthy review of emails, Rules and Regulations, Bylaws and the Sanitary Actions Act and previous Board meeting minutes the Board determined that the reason given by Sainz for the waiver of his fee was not valid.  Deej Banister made a motion that the Sainz request be denied—and if the fees are not paid, that the account be turned over to a collection agency.  Rex Sewell seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.  Our goal is to follow our laws and procedures and treat each member fairly.


Annual meeting presentation was reviewed and discussed.


The next general meeting will be held June 20, 2010 at Ron StaffordÕs cabin at 8:00 a.m.


Charlie Lawrence made a motion to adjourn at 10:45 a.m.  Rex Sewell seconded the motion.


Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
