June 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at Rubel MartinezŐs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:    Mike Valdez

Rubel Martinez

Paul Walenciak

Irv Lindemuth

Deej Banister

Ron Stafford

Tom Petersen


Minutes of October 9, 2011 were read:

Ron Stafford made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Tom Petersen seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented month-end financial report:


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:

Community Bank checking/savings as of May 31, 2012:                           $  54,236.55


                              Fidelity checking as of May 31, 2012:                                               $  84,237.54


                              The monthly earnings for Fidelity JASBX are consistent with

previous months, approximately $100.00.


Action Items from October 9, 2011 meeting:

Deej Banister presented results of action items from the BMDWCA October meeting:

1.      Ron Stafford contacted Anthony Moya Sr. and Trujillo/Faustin regarding the BMDWCA policies for lockout procedures and collections for overdue water fees.  Their accounts have since been paid in full.

2.      Our request to cancel our Phase 2 accounts with our collection agency, Transworld Systems, has been acknowledged as of November 2011.  Marianne Robinson will remain in Phase 2 until her debt is paid.  The BMDWCA is now enrolled in Phase 1 only.  (Irv Lindemuth is to check to see if Robinson has paid her fees in full.)

3.      Leak repairs at Laurel BakerŐs cabin have been completed.

4.      A new water meter valve was installed at Mona HayŐs cabin.

5.      The UBPOA had an independent electrical breaker for the pond aerator installed at Well #3 prior to winter months.


Financial Audit

Rubel Martinez reported that the State required financial audit for the BMDWCA by the Griego Professional Services has been delayed due to the termination of the employee performing the audit.  We may need to resubmit.  The cost for the services to date is approximately $535.00.  Also, the State has asked that we have an audit submission for 2012-2013 and possibly for 2013-2014.  Rubel is to check with our CPA, Nick Loftis, to clarify the need for resubmission and the need for future audits.


If we have to resubmit and start over, we may want to change companies.  The audit was to have cost approximately $3500.00 for the complete order.



1.      Richard Dramer and Brenda OŐBrien, L22, B2, U1, BLE—family transfer from Ernest Dramer.

2.      Morys Hines and Darlene Maxwell, L4, B4, U1, BLE—family transfer from Genevieve Hines.  Also, Morys Hines has withdrawn his non-user membership as of February 4, 2012.


Irv Lindemuth made a motion to accept transfer memberships for Hines and Dramer.  Rubel Martinez seconded, the motion unanimously carried.


Deej Banister is to check with the County as to the ownership of the Lucy Moya property.  The new owner will be contacted regarding transfer of membership.


Water Rights Adjudication:

The New Mexico State Engineer is currently adjudicating the BMDWCA water rights.  Some or all of our water rights associated with our system may be in jeopardy.  A meeting with Ed Newville, water rights attorney for NMSE, has tentatively been set for June 21 in Santa Fe. 

Clay Kilmer, Irv Lindemuth and/or Tom Petersen will represent the Association at the meeting.


In order for the Association to have legal representation at the meeting, Irv Lindemuth made a motion to allocate approximately $6000.00 for attorney fees.  Rubel Martinez seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.  Clay Kilmer will contact an attorney.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Ron Stafford and Paul Walenciak will complete the location of line ends to satisfy the State Environmental Department and the New Mexico Rural Water Association request for flush hydrants at all dead-end lines.


Additional road repair needs to be done on Falls Creek road and at Well #3.  Winter weather has caused the road to settle from last yearŐs repairs.  Additional base course needs to be applied to correct the issue.  Deej Banister is to schedule this repair with Randy Terrazas Utilities in conjunction with the clean-out valve installation at Well 1A on Spruce.  Work will be completed near June month end or early July—weather permitting.


Stop and Waste Valve:

It has been determined that many of our water leaks have been created by members using the BMDWCA water meter as a turn off for the water to their cabins.  Tom Petersen is to draft a letter to the membership explaining water meter use and the penalties imposed for misuse, stop and waste valves—use, type, and installation, as well as the installation of frost frees.


VFD Gravity Fill: 

Mike Valdez reported that the VFD has approved a bid from Terrazas Utilities for the gravity fill construction at the water tank above Well #3.  Deej Banister is to coordinate this installation with the other construction work scheduled for the Association in June/July.




Ron Stafford reported that the approval for the new septic system for Corkins Lodge by the State is still a work in progress.


Discussion re non-user membership modifications will be discussed at a future meeting:

1.      Non-user membership costs for installation of water lines/extensions to property, etc. if hookup is required.

2.      Change of Bylaws and Rules and Regulations to reflect any non-user changes in procedures/costs.

3.      Possible consolidation of non-user lots with user lots, etc.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, July 15 at 8:00 a.m. at Irv LindemuthŐs cabin.


Rubel Martinez made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ron Safford seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
