June 18, 2011 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at the Irv LindemuthÕs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:          Clay Kilmer

Tom Petersen

Irv Lindemuth

Ron Stafford

Deej Banister


Minutes of May 22, 2011 were read:

Ron Stafford made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Tom Petersen seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerÕs Report:

In the absence of Rubel Martinez, Deej Banister presented month-end financial report from Gretchen Denman.


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:

                 Community Bank checking:                              May 31, 2011                      $52,960.98


                                  Fidelity checking:                                                  May 31, 2011                      $51,948.91


                                  Fidelity JASBX                                    May 31, 2011                      $  9,999.99


Rubel Martinez will present information for this yearÕs Audit and the next BOD meeting.



Ron Stafford has left messages for Sue Sleeper, Rural Water Association, to contact us regarding dates and times for the last 6 hours of the mandated water management course.  Ron will report on findings at next meeting.


Membership Removal:

Randy Boeglin and Vern Curtis removed their non-user membership effective May 24, 2011.  Notification of the change was made by note on their invoice remittance and supported by e-mail correspondence to Tom Petersen.



There are no membership transfers at this time.






Deej Banister presented the month-end Aging Report from Gretchen Denman showing delinquent memberships.  Considerable time was spent reviewing accounts and collection procedures.  The following people will have liens placed on their property:







Ron Stafford is to check with our CPA regarding procurement of lien papers and filing procedures.  Lien placement is in compliance with the BMDWCA Rules and Regulations, Section VI.  Deej Banister will obtain legal descriptions for all properties involved in lien placements.


Clay Kilmer will finalize letter removing Lucy MoyaÕs membership.  This procedure is in compliance with the BMDWCA Rules and Regulations, Section VI.


Irv Lindemuth is to contact Gretchen Denman regarding:

1.       the dates that delinquent accounts first became overdue,

2.       a follow-up for accounts that have been sent to collections,

3.       construct an overdue statement letter/form,

4.       and a transfer notification letter that Gretchen can use for informing a new resident of water membership transfer procedures.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Ron Stafford is to check with Levi Sandoval regarding contract renewal.


Ron Stafford is to contact Randy Terrazas regarding completion of road repairs on Falls Creek and Well #3 areas.


Deej Banister made a motion to change locks and keys for well houses and obtain combination locks for water tank gates.  This is to protect the integrity of the water system.  Irv Lindemuth seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.  Ron Stafford will contact a locksmith.


Clay Kilmer is to obtain twelve (12) long shank locks for lock-out purposes.


Lock is to be placed on flush hydrant on Falls Creek Road.


Fire Hydrants:

Mike Valdez is to contact Bob Diefenbaugh, VFD, regarding fire hydrant installation at DR 1759 across from Cliffview Restaurant and Spruce Lane, as well as an update on VFD hookup at Well #3.  Work must be completed by a certified and bonded utility-system plumber.  This is carried over from the May 22 meeting.


Upper Tank Maintenance:

Ron Stafford presented an estimate for inside epoxy repair of the upper tank, as well as repair of the over-flow riser.  The repair cost will be $2950.00, plus epoxy costs that are determined by onsite need.  Each epoxy kit costs $250.00.  Tom Petersen made a motion to accept the estimate if cost does not exceed $4000.00.  Deej Banister seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.  Reserves have been set aside for tank repair.



Signs for lock-out should reflect that it is a Federal offense to remove lock.


The next meeting will be held on Saturday 23, at Ron StaffordÕs cabin, 8:00 a.m.


Tom Petersen is to locate MussellmenÕs current address.  The address the
BOD has on file is incorrect.


Clay Kilmer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m.  Ron Stafford seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
