June 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at Mike
ValdezŐs cabin.
Directors Present: Mike Valdez
Tom Petersen
Ron Stafford
Deej Banister
Rex Sewell
Irv Lindemuth
Minutes of the May 17, 2009 meeting were read: Rex Sewell made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Ron Stafford seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
TreasurerŐs report:
TreasurerŐs report will be presented at the next meeting.
Annual Meeting:
Tom Petersen asked for comments re the Annual Meeting. The Board felt it was well presented. The membership in attendance gave positive reviews and praise regarding our efforts over the year.
Election of Officers:
Rex Sewell made a motion that the current officers be appointed by acclamation for this year. Irv Lindemuth seconded. Unanimously carried.
Current Board officers and directors as of June 21, 2009:
Tom Petersen, President
Mike Valdez, Vice President.
Deej Banister, Secretary
Rubel Martinez, Treasurer
Ron Stafford, Director
Irv Lindemuth, Director
T. J. Allard, Director
Charlie Lawrence, Director
Rex Sewell, Director
Membership Action:
Martha AllardŐs Non-user Membership:
Deej Banister, Secretary, presented the reconciliation for a non-user membership for Martha Allard on Lot 6, Block 6, Unit 1, Brazos Lodge Estates. After the Board reviewed and discussed the reconciliation documents, Irv Lindemuth made a motion to refund any money paid to the Association by Mrs. Allard for a non-user membership based on:
a. no application to transfer a non-user membership was ever made by Mrs. Allard,
b. no non-user membership existed for said property at date of Mrs. AllardŐs purchase.
Rex Sewell seconded the motion. Mike Valdez voted against the motion. The motion carried. Also, because of these issues the non-user certificate erroneously issued for said property in 2007 is null and void. Deej Banister, Ron Stafford, with input from the AssociationŐs bookkeeper, Gretchen Denman, compiled the reconciliation information. It is being filed in Mrs. AllardŐs membership folder.
Deej Banister, Secretary, will write a letter informing Mrs. Allard of the BoardŐs decision.
Martha AllardŐs User Membership:
While completing the non-user membership reconciliation for Mrs. Allard, it was determined that the 2005 Board had inadvertently overlooked her transfer application for a user membership, Lot 7, Block 6, Unit 1, Brazos Lodge Estates. Rex Sewell made a motion that the Board accepts Mrs. AllardŐs transfer application, honors the existing certificate and waives the $50.00 transfer fee. Mike Valdez seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
Deej Banister, Secretary, will write a letter informing Mrs. Allard of the BoardŐs decision.
The sale of Memberships by property owners was discussed. It was determined that memberships cannot be sold. They go with the land where initiated. Members can cancel memberships; however, if a member decides after cancellation that he/she wants to reinstate the membership the cost to do so would be at the current price. As of to date it is $6,000.00.
Delinquencies and
1. Lucy Moya received the certified letter regarding water lockout. She has not paid her bill—still in lock out. Mike Valdez spoke with Mrs. Moya on May 29 and she said that the check was in the mail; however, it has not yet been received. The Board will take appropriate action if payment is not received by the next meeting.
2. Laurel Baker has paid arrear fees and indicated that she would pay current bill in mid June. Her water has been unlocked—her husband has indicated that he will be making leak repairs. Payment for current fees has not been received.
3. Robinson has paid in full; however, water is still locked out due to severe leak problems. It will be unlocked for repairs.
4. Deej Banister, Secretary, presented correspondence from John Kinzer asking for a reduction in his water fee and the filling in of a drainage ditch on his property. Discussion followed. Deej is to write a memo to Kinzer indicating that we cannot honor his request for reduction in payment and the reasons why, as well as make reference to R/R and Bylaws. Also, the ditch on his property is a UBPOA concern. Deej will include address information for the homeownersŐ organization in the letter.
5. The family of Genevieve Hines has indicated that she is deceased and that they want correspondence/billings sent to them. Deej Banister, Secretary, will correspond with the family and indicate to them that they need to make application for transfer of the water membership into the new owners names before we can make any address changes.
6. Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, is sending out invoices for financial charges for late payments.
Other Issues:
Issuing a Letter of Agreement between the UBPOA and the BMDWCA for land use was revisited. Deej Banister presented a copy of the 99-year lease agreement beginning 2000 with the UBPOA for use of their land, as well as a copy of a water certificate showing that the UBPOA has a user membership on the same property. It was determined to continue business as in past years and exchange invoices yearly because of the existing membership and lease agreements.
Deej Banister, Secretary, that all Board members become more involved in the Associations record files for archiving and reconciliation.
The Sanitary Projects Act includes a new section were all members of rural water boards must take 12 hours of training. It appears that 6 hours should be completed this summer and 6 hours next year. Ron Stafford will obtain more information.
Ron Stafford indicated that new well drilling should begin June 22. Ron obtained a new experimental-well permit to extend through August 5. We have been told we need 5 to 6 gallons a minute. They will fill a tank with water for drilling. The spray will be held north of drilling—clear water will be diverted into the pond for drainage into the river. They should case within a week. The well will be tested after July 4. We may need to put in uranium and arsenic testing equipment.
In making an emergency repair of the pump and control box for Well #3, a duplicate control box was received from DelRay Electric. It was decided to keep it and use it at Well #1.
Boeglin and Curtis had Terrazzas Utilities repair a stop/waste leak at their cabin.
Tom Petersen assisted Silva/Garcia in repair of a leaking valve at their cabin. Silva/Garcia used a valve belonging to the Association and will reimburse the Association. Tom also indicated to Silva/Garcia that they should put in a stop and waste to manager the water to their cabin.
Levi Sandoval has contacted Randy Terrazzas re repair of PRV in Aspen/Falls Creek Rd. junction; however, Randy is too involved in several large projects at this time to make the repair. Levi is to obtain repair bids from other repair agencies in the area and present them to the Board.
Mike Valdez is to follow-up on Selsing septic tank leak from last fall.
Gallery Status:
Levi will remove the rocks that washed down this spring. An additional line will be installed to improve efficiency. No filtration is needed. Chlorine injector pump is being used.
Irv Lindemuth motioned that the meeting adjourn at 10:30 a.m. Mike Valdez seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister