June 30, 2013 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:20 a.m. at the Brazos Volunteer Fire Station


Directors Present:    Clay Kilmer

Mike Valdez

Deej Banister

Rubel Martinez

Irv Lindemuth

Paul Walenciak

                                             Ron Stafford


Minutes of April 28, 2013:

Deej Banister made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.  Ron Stafford seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs Report:

Financial spreadsheets for June will be submitted at the July meeting.  The aging report will be reviewed at that time.


Rubel Martinez is to contact Griego Professional Services to ask for a refund for our incomplete audit, as well as contact our CPA, Nick Loftis, to see if he can complete our audit, and if so, request a cost estimate from him.



1.      Kory and Leslie Simmons, purchased from Hays, Lot 13-14, Unit 1, Blk 5, BLE

2.      Anthony Beck, purchased from Mason, Lot 19, Blk 5, Unit 1, BLE

3.      Trevin Kistle, purchased from Barron, Lots 33-33A, Track A, BLE, Spruce Edition

4.      Gwendolyn Casados, transferred from C. M. Trujillo, Lot 18, Blk 1, Unit 1, BLE

5.      Meade, Peggy Moeller, purchased StaffordŐs non-user membership; membership to be converted to user membership, Lot AL-4, Aspen Lakes Subdivision


Ron Stafford informed the Board that he sold his non-user membership to Peggy Moeller Mead. He submitted a transfer application from Mead to join the Association and convert the non-user membership into a user membership for Lot AL-4, Aspen Lakes Subdivision.  Ron Stafford owned the non-user for 3 months.  Discussion followed as to what to charge the new owner for water fees (delta between non-user and the user) and if any reimbursement is due the seller.  It was determined that Mead would be charged for 9 months for 2013 and that reimbursement of water fees is not a Board responsibility (It is a negotiation between seller and buyer at the time of sale.).  Mike Valdez made a motion to approve the conversion from non-user to user subject to the annual user fee—with this yearŐs fee to be based on 9 months.  Irv Lindemuth seconded the motion.  Valdez, Kilmer, Banister, Martinez, Lindemuth, and Walenciak voted for the motion.  Stafford abstained.  Mead will be invoiced for $252.00, which includes tax.


Ron Stafford presented an email from Sarah Potter (Corkins Lodge) wherein she rescinds a membership in the BMDWCA for the cabin on Lot 8, Spruce Lane.  She has connected said cabin to the water system at Corkins Lodge.  Ron Stafford will lock out the AssociationŐs water service.  Clay Kilmer requested that Ron have Potter sign the email.


Late fee waivers were discussed for Thurston, 2013; Lovato, M., 2012; and Burd, 2013.  Receipt records were reviewed and all payments were postmarked after the June 1 payment due date.  No waivers were approved.


Water Fee Issues:

Clay Kilmer will contact Holtrys regarding the issuance of a valid water certificate for Cabin #2, Turkey Track Lane, as well as payment of a late fee incurred in 2012.  This property is currently occupied by Paul Shultz.


Water Well:

The need for an additional water well was discussed, as well as the best drilling location.  Ron Stafford made a motion to proceed with a cost analysis for a new well and drilling location.  Irv Lindemuth seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.  Costs are to be submitted at our July meeting.


Water Rights Adjudication:

Our water rights are still in submission.  We are waiting a sign-off from Kent Malmquist.  We anticipate that we will receive 47 AFY, 40 years, with a two year completion plan.  This is half the original designated AFY.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

The annual leak detection by Levi Sandoval and Bidal Candelaria is near completion.  A small leak has been detected at the Thorn cabin.  Irv Lindemuth is to check with the Thorns to see if there is a possible interior leak.


A flush hydrant located on Cielo Azul was repaired and a flush hydrant in front of the Cliffview Restaurant on SR 512 was replaced by Terrazas Utilities.  These hydrants are to be used for water need only.  They are not for firefighting because of low pressure capacity.


Water Operator Contract:

Ron Stafford made a motion to renew Levi SandovalŐs contract for 2013-2014.  Fees remain the same as last year.  Irv Lindemuth seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.


The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 20, 2013 at the BVFS at 1:00 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
