July 20, 2013 Meeting Minutes


Action items are in red.


Meeting was brought to order at 1:10 p.m. at the Brazos Volunteer Fire Station


Directors Present:    Clay Kilmer

Mike Valdez

Deej Banister

Rubel Martinez

Irv Lindemuth

Mike Doyle

Paul Walenciak

                                             Ron Stafford


Minutes of June 30, 2013:

Clay Kilmer made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted.  Paul Walenciak seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerŐs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented the month-end financial report:


Bank accounts:

Community Bank checking as of June 30, 2013:                           $   64,714.00

                              Fidelity cash as of June 30, 2013:                                                        $     3,866.32

JASBX as of June 30, 2013:                                                                 $ 105,587.78


                              Total Checking/Savings                                                                          $ 174,168.10



There were no membership transfers.


Ron Stafford presented a check from Peggy Moeller Meade for 2013-14 water fees.  The check was for an incorrect amount.  Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, has notified the member of the error and has asked that she submit a corrected check.


Water Fee Issues/Aging Report:

Deej Banister submitted the aging report (delinquent accounts) from Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper.  Discussion followed.  Irv Lindemuth made a motion to write a letter to members who are over a year in arrears notifying them that if the bill is not paid within 30 days their water will be locked out.  Valdez seconded the motion.  Kilmer, Walenciak, Valdez, Martinez, Lindemuth, Doyle and Stafford voted for the motion.  Banister voted against.  The motion passed.  Deej Banister will call and remind those who are delinquent for 2013.


Clay Kilmer will contact Holtry/Shultz regarding the issuance of a valid water certificate for Cabin #2, Turkey Track Lane and payment of a late fee incurred in 2012.  This property is currently occupied by Paul Shultz.


Dee Banister will notify Gretchen of the Boards decisions, and clarify invoice procedures.


The Board would like to receive a special delinquent accounts statement or report from the Gretchen showing names, amounts due, payments made, etc.  Rubel Martinez will notify Gretchen of content details and formatting.


Water Well:

Paul Walenciak and Ron Stafford discussed a possible location for a new water well on a lot that the Association owns (.52 acre) at the upper tank.  Cost for electrical installation to the location could be over 20K, plus 3 to 4 for poles at 3K each. In addition, permission from adjacent property owners to cross their land for our electrical installation would need to be obtained.  Walenciak and Stafford are to continue to explore lot locations and cost estimates.


Water Rights Adjudication:

Our water rights submission came back with comments regarding past negligence in filing extensions of time lines.  We are 3 or 4 extensions in arrears.  Jeff Albright has the situation under control and is redoing the previous document.  This is a set back since we previously felt it had sign off.  There is a meeting on Wednesday, July 24, 2013, with Kent Malmquist to discuss time lines. We are still anticipating that we will receive 47 AFY, 40 years, with a two year completion plan.  This is half the original designated AFY.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Due to drought conditions, conservation of water is of a great concern in the Brazos.  Small internal leaks within cabins can cause a loss of 1,000 gallons of water a day.  The Board asked Mike Doyle to compile a letter to the members reflecting the AssociationŐs R/Rs on water use, etc., as well as the scheduling of a mandatory leak check of their cabins.  The document would contain a deadline to conduct the leak check so that people will have an incentive to get it done and a consequence if the check is not completed by a certain date.


The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 17, 2013 at the BVFS at 1:00 p.m.


The meeting did not officially adjourn.


Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
