July 23, 2011 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at the Paul WalenciakÕs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:          Clay Kilmer

                                                   Rubel Martinez

Paul Walenciak

Irv Lindemuth

Mike Valdez

Deej Banister


Minutes of June 18, 2011 were read:

Irv Lindemuth made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Mike Valdez seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerÕs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented month-end financial report:


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:

                 Community Bank checking:                              June 30, 2011                      $12,067.26


                                  Fidelity checking:                                                  June 30, 2011                      $60,063.10


                                  Fidelity JASBX                                    June 30, 2011                      $61,960.70
                                  (Dividend is approximately $100.00 monthly.)

                                                                                                                                                         Total  $134,091.06



Rubel Martinez has contacted a CPA firm, Griego Professional Services, for our audit.  The cost quote was $2800.00 to $3600.00 for approximately 35-45 hours at $80.00 an hour.  If travel time to Chama is necessary, the trip cost could be an additional $650 to $850.  This price quote is within range of our Tier 4 category.  Deej Banister made a motion to go with Griego for the audit within accordance of the proposal submitted.  Mike Valdez seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.  Rubel is to check on date the audit is due. 



Ron Stafford will be present Rural Water Association training information at our next meeting.



There are no membership transfers at this time.



Rubel Martinez presented the month-end aging report from Gretchen Denman, bookkeeper, showing delinquent memberships.  Considerable time was spent reviewing accounts and collection procedures.  Clay Kilmer will send certified letters to the following members indicating that their property will have a lien attached if their water fees are not paid in full within 30 days of the receipt of the letter:






Irv Lindemuth is to ask Gretchen Denman for beginning dates of delinquency for these water members.


Clay Kilmer will notify the mortgage company holding the Lucy Moya property that a membership transfer for the 2010-2011 year is necessary to retain the current membership status in the Association and that current yearly fees are in arrears.


Deej Banister and Paul Walenciak will procure information needed for a utility lien and present it at the next meeting.


Irv Lindemuth presented forms to be used with overdue statements/letters and a transfer notification form to be used to notify a new resident of water membership transfer procedures.  These can be used by Gretchen Denman and Deej Banister as a standard method of membership payment requirements and/or transfer obligations.  Discussion followed.  Irv Lindemuth made a motion that Gretchen Denman bill all accounts in arrears ($50.00 and over) on a monthly basis and include the delinquent form with the billing in a manner acceptable to her accounting program.  Clay Kilmer seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Ron Stafford has received Levi SandovalÕs yearly contract.  It will be presented at the next monthly meeting.


Deej Banister presented a cost and installation breakdown of new locks and rekeys for the well houses.  Deej is to contact the locksmith to schedule the work.


Clay Kilmer purchased a combination lock for the flush hydrant on Falls Creek Road.


Fire Hydrants:

Mike Valdez is to contact Dale Cowder, VFD, regarding fire hydrant repair/installation at DR 1759 across from Cliffview Restaurant and Spruce Lane.


VFD Gravity Fill:

Mike Valdez presented a new drawing from Dale Cowder, VFD, for a gravity fill at the old water tank above Well #3.  Discussion followed.  The BOD questioned why a new drawing was being submitted.  The BOD has been working with the VFD on another drawing submitted by Bob Diefenbaugh, VFD, for a gravity fill next to Well #3 for almost a year.  Deej Banister suggested that this be deferred to our next meeting since Ron Stafford, the designated Association Director in charge of the project, was not present at the meeting.  Irv Lindemuth will scan a copy of the new drawing to Ron Stafford for his perusal.  It was stressed that the BODs concern is to make certain that nothing will jeopardize the current and future use of the infrastructure or contaminate the water.


Upper Tank Maintenance:

Discussion of the upper tank repair was tabled until the next meeting.  Ron Stafford will present the findings and costs at that time.



The next meeting will be held on Sunday, August 21, at Ron StaffordÕs cabin, 8:00 a.m.


Tom Petersen will present outcome of letter to UBHOA, Roger Shinnick, regarding the aerator electrical hookup.


Two Association members asked Mike Valdez to talk with Anthony Moya Sr. regarding his watering of grass and flowers with Association water.  Mike talked with him on July 5 and informed him of our rules and regulations for water usage.


Mike Valdez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:01 p.m.  Irv Lindemuth seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Respectfully submitted,




Deej Banister
