August 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:10 a.m. at Ron StaffordÕs cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:    Mike Valdez

Rubel Martinez

Paul Walenciak

Irv Lindemuth

Deej Banister

Ron Stafford

Tom Petersen

Clay Kilmer


Minutes of July 15, 2012 were read:

Tom Petersen made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Mike Valdez seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


TreasurerÕs Report:

Rubel Martinez presented month-end financial report:


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:

Community Bank checking as of July 31, 2012:                             $  21,833.74


                              Fidelity cash as of July 31, 2012                                                          $  17,619.63


JASBX as of July 31, 2012:                                                                  $103,544.56



Financial Audit:

The financial audit for 2010 is in process.  The contract that was submitted to the State by our independent accountants was not received by the State and was resubmitted.  Rubel has contacted Frank Valdez of the State audit section asking for clarification on our current audit and the schedule for future financial audits.


Rubel Martinez is to contact the Rural Water Association regarding the AssociationsÕ audit concerns.  Ron Stafford will forward the RWA contact info to Rubel.



1.      Morys Hines requested that his non-user membership be reinstated.  His previous request to the Board was not to cancel his membership; he only wanted to cancel his yearly fee.  Irv Lindemuth made a motion to deny his motion to remove his annual fee and reinstate his non-user membership.  Paul Walenciak seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.

2.      The new owner of the Selsing property, Holtry, was given an application on June 30 to make the necessary water membership transfer.  The application has been received, but denied as no transfer fee was sent.  Deej Banister will contact the new owner regarding penalties if transfer of membership is not completed.

3.      Patrick Herrera has been identified as a possible new owner of Lucy MoyaÕs property.  Deej will correspond with Herrera.


Water Rights Adjudication:

Clay Kilmer reported on the current adjudication with the State regarding our water rights.  He proposes that we hire a water rights attorney, Jeff Albright, to determine our legal opinions to the State.  He could then represent us with the State.  The Board unanimously agreed.  Clay is to contact Albright with the following Board concerns:

1.      Research all available records for BMDWCA water rights.

2.      Identify documents that are not in record that should be.

3.      Provide a series of recommendations of needed documents and assist in preparing these documents.

4.      What we can do to better secure our water rights.

5.      Make a recommendation if we can lease our water rights.

The cost will be approximately $5350.00.  A retainer of $750.00 is required.  The Board previously approved a sum not to exceed $6000.00.  We need to protect our water rights.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

A flush hydrant was installed on Spruce Lane.  Other locations for additional flush hydrants are yet to be determined.  The VFD has offered to reimburse the BMDWCA for the cost of this installation.  Rubel is to forward a copy of the invoice to Mike Valdez.


Starting immediately, Levi Sandoval, our water operator, will conduct a water leak detection of our entire infrastructure.  Our water supply is still very low and every effort is being made to stabilize the situation.  Water is being pumped from the lower tank to the upper tank to provide water to those in upper BLE.  Ron Stafford and Deej Banister will work with Levi.


The Board discussed the installation of water meters throughout the infrastructure to determine leaks in the systems.  Meters could possibly be placed on Deer Lane and Brook Lane.  This would allow isolating leak areas rather than the checking the entire system each time a water problem arises.  These meters would have to be large enough to aid fire protection.  A more detailed discussion will be held at a later date.


Meters will be removed from Corkins two (2) lots next to Cliffview Restaurant to be used as needed.  Ron Stafford will notify Levi Sandoval.


Stop and Waste Valve:

Letters were mailed to the membership regarding use of stop and waste valves.

VFD Gravity Fill:

Mike Valdez reported that the gravity fill has been completed.  There is a problem with the tank stability.  Mike Valdez is to contact Randy Terrazas regarding this issue.



Paul Shultz requested that the late fee for nonpayment of water fees for the Holtry cabin site be waived.  Discussion followed.  Clay Kilmer made a motion to waive the fee.  Paul Walenciak seconded.  Kilmer and Walenciak voted for the motion.  Valdez, Martinez, Lindemuth, Banister, Safford, and Petersen voted against.  The motion was denied.  In keeping with the current State of New Mexico anti-donation laws for private utilities, no fees can be waived.  The only exception would be if the Association was in error.


The Board approved Ron Stafford to attend the Rural Water Association meeting in Las Cruces, NM on 10/2-5/12.  A registration fee of $275.00 and gas mileage will be provided by the Board.


A possible increase in non-user annual fees was also discussed and tabled until a later date.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, September 16th at 8:00 a.m. at Paul Walenciak cabin.


The meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
