August 21, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was brought to order at 8:06 a.m. at Ron
StaffordŐs cabin, Brazos
Directors Present: Clay Kilmer
Rubel Martinez
Paul Walenciak
Irv Lindemuth
Mike Valdez
Deej Banister
Ron Stafford
Tom Petersen
Minutes of July 23, 2011 were read:
Mike Valdez made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Ron Stafford seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
TreasurerŐs Report:
Martinez presented month-end financial report:
Bills are
Bank checking: July
31, 2011 $12,776.66
checking: July
31, 2011 $53,559.75
31, 2011 $62,126.13
is approximately $100.00 monthly.)
Total $128,462.54
Martinez received a contract from Griego Professional Services for our Tier 4
audit. The audit is required to be
completed by August 31, 2010; however, in an email from Professional Services
it was indicated that the State is not currently implementing a penalty if it
is not completed on time because it is a new requirement for our entity. We will be billed for actual hours
worked, but not to exceed $3,600.00.
This fee is exclusive of all travel and out-of-pocket expenses, as well
as exclusive of applicable gross receipt taxes (estimated at 7%).
Ron Stafford
indicated that the second half of the mandatory Rural
Water Association management training will be held at the TA Conference Center
on Saturday, September 10, 2011, at 8:00 a.m.
This will complete the 12-hour
training requirement for most of the BOD members.
Banister made a motion that Ron Stafford be approved to
attend water-operator training in Chama for three days, September 20-22, 2011, at
a cost of $150.00, as well as a water operator training in Las Cruces for Clay Kilmer, October 11-13, 2011, while attending the
Annual Rural Water Association Meeting at a cost of registration and per diem. Mike Valdez seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
There are no membership transfers at this time.
The aging
report was reviewed. The following
was determined:
Clay Kilmer will send certified letters to the
following members indicating that the BOD will attach a lien to their property
if their water fees are not paid in full within 30 days of the receipt of their
Kilmer will send a reminder letter to the bank holding the foreclosure of the
Lucy Moya property reiterating that the 2011-2012 payment is still due, plus
the $50.00 transfer fee for continuance of the water membership before the
current lien can be removed. Also,
once the property is sold or auctioned, the BOD will need a copy of the new ownerŐs
Paul Walenciak presented a lien document to be used for lien filing. Discussion followed. Mike Valdez made a motion that the lien document be approved as amended. Tom Petersen seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
Irv Lindemuth will contact
the collection agency we are using and obtain info re email cancellation of the
collection service, as well as removal procedures and penalties for Phase 2
collection services.
Ron Stafford
presented Levi SandovalŐs yearly contract. His fees remain the same, $400.00; however, there will be
additional compensation for services performed above the normal job
description. Deej Banister made a
motion to accept the contract retroactive to July 1, 2011. Mike Valdez seconded. The motion unanimously carried.
Deej Banister
scheduled the locksmith, Paul Grimm, for lock replacement at the well
houses. The locksmith will
complete the job as soon as his health schedule permits—he has had
shoulder surgery.
Fire Hydrants:
Mike Valdez reported
that the VFD felt the fire hydrant repair on DR 1759 has been completed. Ron Stafford
will check with Randy Terrazas, Terrazas Utilities, for clarification and
report at the next meeting.
VFD Gravity Fill:
Sandoval, Water Operator, and Dale Cowder, VFD, have reviewed and updated the
new gravity fill request from the VFD and reached an agreement on the
installation. A final red-line
drawing is forthcoming. The VFD is
required by the State to receive three (3) bids from licensed contractors for
the installation of the gravity fill.
Thus far, only one bid has been received, Terrazas
Upper Tank Maintenance:
The upper
tank repairs (epoxy, etc.) have been completed. The cost was $3,381.50.
next meeting will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2011, at Mike ValdezŐs cabin
on Falls Creek Rd., 8:00 a.m.
Petersen will speak with Roger Shinnick re installation of a circuit timer and
a separate breaker box outside Well house #3 for the pond aerator. The BOD requires that a licensed
electrical contractor be used because of liability issues.
The meeting adjourned at 10:06 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deej Banister