September 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was brought to order at 8:05 a.m. at Paul Walenciak’s cabin, Brazos


Directors Present:    Mike Valdez

Rubel Martinez

Paul Walenciak

Irv Lindemuth

Deej Banister


Minutes of August 19, 2012 were read:

Irv Lindemuth made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Rubel Martinez seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.


Treasurer’s Report:

Rubel Martinez presented month-end financial report:


Bills are current.


Bank accounts:


Community Bank checking as of August 31, 2012:                      $  21,833.74

($76,922.73 was transferred to JASBX Fidelity)


                              Fidelity cash as of August31, 2012                                                     $  17,619.63


JASBX as of August 31, 2012:                                                            $103,544.56

                              (Interest year-to-date is $762.00.)


Financial Audit:

The financial audit contract for 2010 was accepted.  Rubel is waiting for a reply from Frank Valdez of the State audit section regarding clarification on our current audit and the schedule for future financial audits.



The following memberships were accepted:

1.      Ron Stafford, NU, Lot 14, Unit 1, Spruce Edition, BLE, purchased from Marx

2.      John Holtry, Lot 4, Block 11, Unit 1, BLE, purchased from Selsing

3.      Matteas Olausson, T27, Trailer Park, Unit 3, BLE, purchased from McKinely

4.      William Silva, T9, Unit 1, BLE, purchased from Butler


Clay Kilmer is to correspond with John Holtry regarding his request to clarify amount(s) due for water fees on his properties.


Non-User Fees:

The need to increase Non-User revenue was discussed.  At this time, the non-user fees and user fees are not in alignment.  Paul Walenciak made a motion that non-user fees be set at 50% user fee effective at the June 1, 2013 billing cycle and to 100% user fee effective at the June 1, 2014 billing cycle.  Irv Lindemuth seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.


Water Rights Adjudication:

Information regarding our water rights adjudication was tabled until the next meeting.


Construction/Maintenance Issues:

Action items from August 19, 2012 Board meeting:

1.      The water leak detection of our infrastructure by Levi Sandoval was completed. 

2.      A new pump was installed for Well 1A.

3.      Two (2) water meters were removed from Corkin’s property next to the restaurant—to be used as needed.

4.      Mike Valdez has made Randy Terrazas aware of the Boards concerns for the current instability of the water tank located above Well #3 and asked for his input on how to correct the problem.  Mike will contact Terrazas to see if any progress has been made on possible solutions.



Rex Sewell has tendered his resignation from the Board as of August 29, 2012.  Rex served over seven (7) years as a Director.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. at the Valdez cabin.


The meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Deej Banister
