Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers
Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
October 21, 2006
The regularly scheduled meeting of the BMDWCA
was called to order by President David Sainz at 3:00 p.m. at the Brazos
Present: Ray Leverich, Mike Valdez, David
Sainz, Tom Petersen, Carolyn Barron
Absent: Rex Sewell, TJ Allard, Ron Stafford and Irv Lindemuth
Proof of Quorum: 5 directors present
Others present: None
The October 21, 2006 meeting minutes were
read. Motion to approve minutes made by Ray Leverich, Mike Valdez seconded,
motion carried.
There was no Treasurer’s Report by the
bookkeeper, Twila Donaldson, and was moved to next monthly meeting.
Reimbursement to Carolyn Barron for copies
and payment for September and October electric bills to NORA Electric Co-op
was presented. Motion was made by Mike Valdez and seconded by Ray Leverich
to reimburse Carolyn, motion carried. Payables were reviewed for issuing
checks. Motion by Mike Valdez, seconded by Ray to pay bills. Statement to
Nancy Jones in the amount of $500.00 plus tax will be sent for the fees on
the meter and service upgrade install.
Membership applications presented were (1)
Cole and (2) Moya, Lucy. Motion by Tom Petersen to approve memberships,
Mike Valdez seconded, motion carried.
Letter from Kim and John Holtry, presented
to the board in September, was discussed. As the letter was addressed to
David Sainz, President, David will send a response to Mr. and Mrs. Holtry
stating the appropriate paragraphs regarding membership and voting rights as
noted in the Articles of Incorporation, By Laws and the Rules and
Past Due accounts status were reviewed.
Members still unpaid are: Max Killman $350.01; Donald Rose $222.73; Mary
Ann Robinson $700.02; Charlie Lawrence $350.01.
A water leak in the Laycock cabin located on
Brook Lane was detected on Saturday, October 21, 2006, just prior to this
meeting. Residential water shut off was shut off, meter was shut off.
Estimated water loss is 4,300 gallons in a 24 hour period. Member is being
sent a penalty of $200.00 plus tax and a letter.
Discussion as to where new well or wells
need to be drilled resulted in board members being sent off on fact finding
missions. Hydrologists and state engineer’s office are to be fielded
questions and perhaps some sound results will come forth as to where new
wells could be drilled. Well #1 is 460 feet deep. Production is down on #1
since the work over in September.
Those members not here during the winter
water will be turned off at the meter.
Motion was made by Ray Leverich to adjourn,
Mike Valdez, second, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Barron
Secretary/Treasurer |