Brazos Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Assoc. Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2006
Directors Present: David Sainz, Rex Sewell, Ray Leverich, Ron Stafford, Tom
Petersen, Carolyn Barron
Directors Not Present: Irv Lindemuth, TJ Allard, Mike Valdez
Proof of Quorum: 5 Directors present
Meeting called to order by President David Sainz at 10:10 a.m. – Brazos
Minutes of the October 21 meeting were read and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted. Motion was made by Carolyn Barron
to move all but $1,500.00 from the New Mexico Bank and Trust account to the
newly opened checking account with Community Bank, Ron Stafford seconded,
motion passed unanimously.
Bills were presented by Carolyn Barron, motion to pay bills by Ray Leverich,
motion seconded by Tom Petersen, motion passed unanimously. Ray Leverich’s
small systems operator’s license and Ron Stafford’s small systems operator’s
license are to be posted in the well house.
Carolyn Barron reported that mail for the water board will be at HC 75 BOX
178, Chama, NM 87520. This is located at the cluster boxes at Hwy 512 and
Chama Hwy.
Motion was made by Ron Stafford for the water board to purchase a computer,
printer and software to be used to retain bookkeeping records and membership
information, purchase not to exceed $1,500.00, Carolyn Barron seconded,
motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Ray Leverich to hire Kathy Lyman as bookkeeper, seconded
by Ron Stafford, motion passed unanimously.
David Sainz to write request to Twila Donaldson for the remaining records,
i.e. bank statements, state and federal income tax returns.
Property Transfer from Adams to Case, Ray Leverich motioned to accept, Rex
Sewell seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Presentation of the Miox systems product was presented by their
representative, Bob Kozavo. This is a water treatment system that the board
is considering. Web site is
Delinquent accounts were reviewed. Charlie Lawrence, Max Killman, and Mary
Ann Robinson are still delinquent. Mary Ann has paid $300.00 of her bill.
Rex Sewell said he would talk to Charlie Lawrence. Carolyn will send out
letters to all delinquent accounts requesting payment.
Ron Stafford motioned to have the water board file cabinets and computer
housed at the warehouse rented by Carolyn and Ray Barron/Chama Wireless, 493
Terrace Avenue, Chama. Carolyn Barron seconded, motion carried unanimously.
The letter from the State Auditor was reviewed as to whether or not the
MDWCA needed to have audits conducted. No action was taken.
David Sainz read his reply letter of October 21, 2006 to Kim and John Holtry
regarding the membership voting rights.
Ron Stafford motioned to have the office of the Secretary and Treasurer as
separate offices in the future, Carolyn Barron seconded. Motion carried
Discussion as to a new well application was brought up. Ray and Tom are to
get GPS reading for location information of new well location. Ray Leverich
to complete application for well permit so it can be submitted by the end of
the December.
Christmas Dinner Party for BMDWCA and UBPOA to be planned for December,
Carolyn to coordinate restaurant, date and time.
Being no further business, motion to adjourn by Carolyn Barron, Tom Petersen
seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Barron